New Grower Advice about Advice


Hydroponic Heretic
Feb 16, 2015
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I am new to growing, so I don't have really ANY tips based on experience as far as that goes. But I HAVE been participating in internet forums that revolve around subjects I know a TON about for many years.

If there is one thing I know, it's that following the advice of people in forums is a gamble.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one, and they pretty much all stink.

There is a ton of useful information available about growing, and there is just as much horrible info.

It is the same with virtually every subject you could research on the web.

My advice about advice is this:

Check, double check, and triple check any advice you get from people on the web. Use search engines. Find many different opinions on every subject you want to learn about.

Finding out what works for others can definitely be useful, there is no doubt about that, but you need to realize that when you ask a question, there are a hundred other variables that are in play. Perhaps that person with 15,000 posts told you that you should grow with HPS, and that CFLs will not give you the results you are looking for. Ask yourself if there are any other variables to that situation. are you using different nutrients? different humidity? is your box the same size? are you both growing in the same setup? do your temperature ranges match up? are you growing the same strain?

Really, there are just so many ways that your setup probably differs from theirs, there is no way of telling if their way will work for you!

In perusing several of these cannabis forums over the last couple of months, I have found endless strings of advice that often directly contradict other advice(often in the same threads!). Often these conflicting methods come from individuals who have lots of posts, and seem to be respected. It's not that anyone is trying to mislead people, on the contrary, they are all trying to be helpful. The fact is, though, that they are not you. Their methods will differ from yours in many ways, and who is to say which of these differences could have been the one that was the REAL tipping point that determined what worked and what didn't?

My advice about advice is to be skeptical. Do YOUR OWN independent research from a number of sources, and come up with a game plan based on your particular setup. Work that plan, and adjust as you learn what works for you. Don't expect to grow that monster plant right away. Learn from your mistakes, and adjust your method accordingly. This, in my opinion, is the only real way to learn what is going to work for your particular situation. Use advice from others, but don't expect that your experience will mirror that of other growers. You are going to need to get information, but tailor it to your own purposes. Don't just blindly follow advice you get from others on the web.

I actually saw someone's post earlier who put their plant in the oven to kill mold and fried it. I have seen lots of examples like this, of people who followed advice with disastrous results. So be careful, and do your own research.

From the newb,
You dont know what works until you try. Alot of false information out there is from most people just repeating what the general concensus says Without even tryin for themselves.just my 2 cents
I completely agree. Not just with this subject, but with MOST subjects. Hell, they locked Galileo away for the last nine years of his life for just this reason. The world only moves forward by way of those who think outside the box, and defy conventional wisdom.
yeah also ppl refine their thoughts too.I know that happens to me.ill answer then think and answer again lol! often,so i know my thread is choked full of stuff like that.thats why ppl dont really care for me since by no fault of my own ppl seem to think Im reallt good or something n thats so not true lmfao!! im a beginner..all these guys n gals been doing this for many times longer than myself..

and growing as you pointed out is exactly that,style and technique and individual and environment and products,strains things you cant see such as foggers hanging above your tent wondering why its messed up lmfao!
Howdy Mr Green..

As a newbee myslf I've found the same to be true..But any and all ideas have some truth to them..I myself look..Read.. and Leasen...There is a learning curve and even the ones that have been at this for years should open thier eyes and ears to ALL the info..Just My thoughts and I liked this post just to sound off some..

Yep I agree , study -study and study , then put into practice and listen to what the senior growers advice , I am now into my 4 grow and things are starting to come together , I still believe I have a long way to go but each grow gets better than the last , there is that old saying - Rome was not built in a day -
I totaly agree hecno...The mine plays tricks but we all end up in the same place
I agree that we should do our own research and decide on our own what works best for us. However, if my plant looks sick and one of the guru's here offers advice, I'm certainly going to follow it. I would afterwards do some research on why the solution worked (or didn't ), and how to identify or prevent it from happening in the future. Why join a community and ask for advice if you are going to second guess it?
Welcome and just use common sense and a shit tone of great grows,growers and breeders and you wont fall..we do things a lil different here at AFN and try our best to keep safe info up front and bad info gets corrected...I remember hearing a story about a woman who pissed on her Iphone to take a prego test LOL PEACE