New Grower Adventures of a noob grower.

Thanks for stopping by! I don't get many visitors around these parts. It's funny you mention the auto's because I actually just started a Dark Devil auto and I have it in a rockwool cube waiting to pop out. Going to put it in the 1 gallon air pot.

I was just worried that doing an auto with 12/12 lighting would really kill yields big time. I did a bit of searching around and saw a few people got about an ounce when they did it so I decided to go for it. If I got about an ounce from the auto I'd be super happy. It's pure bonus anyway haha.

If the auto goes well I might just buy more of them. If not I will stick to 12/12 from seed or something. Yields are important for me right now. I need to harvest enough to last my gf and I until the next harvest. Currently we are buying our smoke and it's expensive as hell ;(

Sucks because my first harvest I got about an ounce from 3 auto's lol. I messed up big time so I'm hoping this grow goes a lot better. I'm really hoping I can pull at least 2 ounces per photoperiod and if I'm lucky maybe 14-28g from the auto. Those numbers would definitely last us 3 months for the next harvest. ;D

Problem is I have no idea how long I should veg for to reach my 2 ounce per plant goal. ;o

Thats a good idea! I will have to think about that.

Can't help with veg timing, but the soil one looks pretty close to being ready
If you grow in soil, I'd advise you to sow directly in soil or peat pellets, rockwool gets algae and never dry a real pain in the bum!
For me the direct in soil method, in the final pot worked like a charm!
If you search on AFN you'll see real auto monsters, 10 Oz and more
Can't help with veg timing, but the soil one looks pretty close to being ready
If you grow in soil, I'd advise you to sow directly in soil or peat pellets, rockwool gets algae and never dry a real pain in the bum!
For me the direct in soil method, in the final pot worked like a charm!
If you search on AFN you'll see real auto monsters, 10 Oz and more

haha I have seen pics of people that have nasty algae on their cubes. Thankfully that's one thing I haven't had to worry about. I pretty much stopped watering the cube as soon as I planted it in the soil. I watered around it in a circle.

Your comment makes me want to flip to 12/12 right now! it's so hard to wait the extra 8 days. I really want to give the other girl that extra time to catch up though. I'm going to take a look at some super auto's like you said. I wonder how those would turn out with 12/12 It's either that or I'm leaning toward some photoperiod powerplant or kali mist. ;D
haha I have seen pics of people that have nasty algae on their cubes. Thankfully that's one thing I haven't had to worry about. I pretty much stopped watering the cube as soon as I planted it in the soil. I watered around it in a circle.

Your comment makes me want to flip to 12/12 right now! it's so hard to wait the extra 8 days. I really want to give the other girl that extra time to catch up though. I'm going to take a look at some super auto's like you said. I wonder how those would turn out with 12/12 It's either that or I'm leaning toward some photoperiod powerplant or kali mist. ;D

Super take at least 4 months bro!
I was thinking about big yelders like auto mazar, auto ultimate and extreme, lots of big yelders in around 70 days, lots of choices my friend recently, nothing to envy to photos!
Anyway, just do your thing at your pace mate[emoji16]
Sad news. My lil auto dark devil seems to be failing me already and it just came out of the cube today. I don't think she is going to make it so I'm priming another ak 47 seed that I will throw in the tent at basically 12/12 from seed.

Really sucks because I didn't want to grow 3 plants of the same strain but those are the beans I have atm so nothing much I can do. ;D

I also gave my soil girl a full strength 1tsp serving of 16-16-16 grow more veg nutes today. I never actually tested the ppm of my feed for the soil plant before. I put in half a tsp at first and it only came out to like 500 ppm and I thought that was a bit light for 4-5 weeks in veg so I bumped it up to about 750 ppm. Hopefully the plant likes it, I think she is a heavy feeder.

I actually tested the run off ph today too and it came out to 6.4. I thought that was pretty good considering the feed solution was at 6.0 going in. I watered her really thoroughly too. I normally don't use that much water but she was bone dry and limping because I waited so long to give her some.

12/12 flip coming soon! soooooooooooooooo excited to see the stretch. ;D
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Great looking set up. I feel like a country cousin when I look at my wire crossed and cramped cab and compare it to an orderly and neatly kept grow like yours. Keep it up, its how its supposed to be, its an inspiration and it showcases your grow.
Thanks for the kind words guys! I really appreciate it. Can't believe I got complimented on being neat and orderly! if you only knew feenix!! I'm such a messy person with everything else. You should see my pc desk. :grin:

Today is day 35 from sprout. Things are going great and I couldn't be happier with my 2 girls. I have a seed germinating in a rockwool cube on top of my light and I'm hoping it makes it out okay. I get the feeling I'm going to have to waste another seed because rockwool cubes are troll.

I'm supposed to be putting the girls into flower in 5 days but I don't think I will get there. Every day is a struggle to not flip the lights to 12/12. The amount of willpower I am using to resist my urges is extraordinary. :grin:

Comparing my photo's from today and 5 days ago I see a lot of new growth which makes me think 5 more days could really mean a lot to my yields at the end of the rainbow. It's amazing how you don't really notice much when you look at the plants everyday. I felt like my DWC girl wasn't really doing much but today I looked at the pics from 5 days ago and I felt like an idiot for thinking it lol. The progress is pretty damn amazing.

If these were autoflowers they'd be so much bigger right now. I can't wait to see how big they get when I start to flower. They're already bigger than the auto flowers in my first grow. Still can't believe how healthy they are in comparison to my other tries. I really hope I can keep this up until the end.

Fan makes pics even worse. qq

haha topping that dwc plant really killed the height. Do you guys out there think i'll have enough room for a 3rd plant? :no:
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Time for action bro!
I'll be watching with interest!