New Grower Adventures of a noob grower.

Time for action bro!
I'll be watching with interest!

I'm so excited lol. I know you have some experience with photoperiods. How soon after the switch does the stretch tend to begin? and thanks for joining me! glad to have someone along for the adventure. ;3
Actually I'm now growing my 2nd photo, so I'm still a newbie!
I think the stretch should start within a week and last for a week( better to check!), then full flowering mode.
I'll be learning by watching you too, have only 20 days of flowering with my casey's widow now, we could compare how it goes and help each other if there's the need to!
I'm only using bat guano for fertilizing, curious to see how your soil girl will produce with your nutes...
See you bro!!
Thanks wiener! hopefully it takes care of it. The problem doesn't seem like a big one and it's only happening on 2 of the bottom fan leaves. Besides that she is doing awesome. I haven't tested run off ph yet but I think I will give that a go once I flush her. I kinda assumed I wouldn't need to worry about ph too much since a put garden lime in my fox farm and I PH my water to about 6.0 before I water her.

I also ordered another air pot. This one is 1 gallon compared to the 2 gallon I currently own. I wanted something small as I am going to throw in a 3rd plant in my tent that will only get to veg for a short amount of time. I was going to use a 2 liter soda bottle but I figured a smaller air pot would work better. I'm hoping its a lot smaller than the 2 gallon ones because I definitely don't think I have enough room for all those big pots haha.

I don't even know if my light will be able to handle all of this but I guess thats why I got a few extra 23w CFLS ;D

I kind of want to have a perpetual grow going. I figure I can veg my current 2 plants for a total of 6 weeks. I'll add a 3rd in the next few days and he will get to veg for the last week or so of the 6 weeks the original 2 are getting. The 3rd plant should finish about a month after the original 2. After that I might add 2 more plants after the original 2 finish and do them 12/12 from seed or I might just reset the clock and start over with fresh beans and give them some veg time. Decisions decisions! ;D

Pic time!!

Today is day 30 from sprout

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they yellowing of the bottom leaves and falling off is not nute burn, infact its most likely the opposite. if your plants are not getting the required nutrients it will feed stored nutes in the lower and less important leaves,
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:slap: girls looking good

Today is day 35 from sprout. Things are going great and I couldn't be happier with my 2 girls. I have a seed germinating in a rockwool cube on top of my light and I'm hoping it makes it out okay. I get the feeling I'm going to have to waste another seed because rockwool cubes are troll.

I'm supposed to be putting the girls into flower in 5 days but I don't think I will get there. Every day is a struggle to not flip the lights to 12/12. The amount of willpower I am using to resist my urges is extraordinary. :grin:

Comparing my photo's from today and 5 days ago I see a lot of new growth which makes me think 5 more days could really mean a lot to my yields at the end of the rainbow. It's amazing how you don't really notice much when you look at the plants everyday. I felt like my DWC girl wasn't really doing much but today I looked at the pics from 5 days ago and I felt like an idiot for thinking it lol. The progress is pretty damn amazing.

If these were autoflowers they'd be so much bigger right now. I can't wait to see how big they get when I start to flower. They're already bigger than the auto flowers in my first grow. Still can't believe how healthy they are in comparison to my other tries. I really hope I can keep this up until the end.

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Fan makes pics even worse. qq

haha topping that dwc plant really killed the height. Do you guys out there think i'll have enough room for a 3rd plant? :no:
Actually I'm now growing my 2nd photo, so I'm still a newbie!
I think the stretch should start within a week and last for a week( better to check!), then full flowering mode.
I'll be learning by watching you too, have only 20 days of flowering with my casey's widow now, we could compare how it goes and help each other if there's the need to!
I'm only using bat guano for fertilizing, curious to see how your soil girl will produce with your nutes...
See you bro!!

I'm shocked! you are a undercover noob! :grin: I'm sure we will learn a lot by watching each others grow. If my soil girl can yield as much as it looks like yours will I will be ecstatic. I actually love my nutes a lot. I found them on this site actually. I ran across some 30 page thread on "Grow More" organic nutes.

They are super cheap and apparently they work extremely well. I liked the cheap part. I don't remember how much I paid but I know my 3 part GH flora series cost a lot more. Thanks for showing love in my thread by the way. It gets real lonely in here talking to myself. I always make sure I'm nice and toasted before I post to make up for it. :smoke:

:slap: girls looking good

Thanks so much! I think people don't really realize how good it feels to have someone tell you that your plants are looking great. I'm in love with them so much I stand at my tent and just watch them for 10 minutes at a time. It's pretty sad but I'm just so excited and amazed at how much better things are going for me in comparison to my first grow. No one was ever really able to say my first grow looked good lol. To hear it now is truly amazing and makes me swell with pride. Such a great feeling. :cool:

Never thought I'd get so excited over growing plants.
Wow, I'm gonna have to look into that sea grow 4-26-26!
So, I'm still a bit confused. Can the 4-26-26 be used, by itself, from seed to bud? I read that it is all you need, but I see other products too. Are those just supplemental, or necessary? Which other products are safe to add with the 4-26-26, if they are supplemental? How do you know what products to combine? Very interested in learning more
So, I'm still a bit confused. Can the 4-26-26 be used, by itself, from seed to bud? I read that it is all you need, but I see other products too. Are those just supplemental, or necessary? Which other products are safe to add with the 4-26-26, if they are supplemental? How do you know what products to combine? Very interested in learning more

I believe the 4-26-26 can be used by itself if you are using soil that has nutes already. Like Fox Farm Ocean Forest for example. With a soil like that you normally wouldn't feed until like 4 weeks in and by then its pretty much time for 4-26-26. Otherwise I don't think it would have enough N to get you all the way through veg. I'm sure you would still need some cal mag supplement as well. Grow more also carries that as well "Grow Mores Mendocino N-Cal-Mag". Though I'm sure you could just use whatever cal/mag you already have.

They also have a bloom booster called Hawaiian Bud and Bloom that is for mid to late flower. You can use it along with the 4-26-26 but you are supposed to lower the dosage if you do. I got a free sample when I bought the other nutes from plants that produce. I was shocked as hell to get a big thing of Hawaiian bud and bloom for free. I never get anything for free!

I used it on my first grow but my plants were stunted and kind of shit so I don't know how well it works. The buds did turn out pretty damn nice on those girls though so maybe it put in work. I plan on using it in a foliar spray on my dwc plant as I can't put anything organic in my res.

I really recommend reading that thread I posted earlier. Lots of info in there and a lot of people in there had a lot of great things to say about Grow More. Stuff works well and it's dirt cheap.
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Thanks for the detailed and informative response, Anasazi! My nutes will probably only last through this grow, if they make it that far, and I might look into giving Sea Grow products a run. They're so cheap!! It's hard not to be wary of something with such a great price, especially when most other nutes cost out the ass, but from reading the thread, they seem to not only do their job, but do it well!