Old Reviews Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect

have you guys tried capturing rain water and testing the ppms? I used to get real low ppms on my ran water... i think in the range you are looking for and the ph without bubble was always around 6-7...

just :2cents: for an easy cheap water source... seems like a lot of extra cash to have to lay out between nutes and water... :smokebuds:
I'm gonna setup a rain barrel this spring JM, it will freeze this winter. Gonna use my gutters to catch some.
if it ever rained here i would but we have been under a burn ban for over 6 months...... if it rained it would evaporate before i would collect it lol :p. I grabbed these just to see if i could consistently have a good res ph for a week straight so i could take a proper vacation. looking like a no for now. but i will keep an open mind and try it out this grow.
Here's the way I had it explained to me.

The pH Perfect Nutrients are guaranteed to work with RO water. They will work with MOST but not all water sources that aren't hard. So if your ppm is under 200 or maybe 300ppm, it will probably work as advertised. However it's impossible to really say that for sure without knowing how many ppms or what ions because there are potential dissolved solids that would screw it all up.

I've also been told that even if the pH goes outside the target range the nutrients are so heavily chelated you won't get lock-outs but I haven't confirmed that and this wasn't something AN said to me in any official way. It was more of a "this is what I heard but I don't know if it's true so don't quote me on it" kind of thing.

I use RO so it works flawlessly for me. But if I were having that kind of problem and using municipal water I'd definitely consider letting the pH drift a little (nothing too crazy, but farther than I'd usually permit) to see if the plants start to show sign of pH stress.

It's possible the rumor is true and you can grow with the pH Perfect nutes even way outside the usual target pH range. It'd be worth knowing.
well so far its a bust. i contacted my local an rep that i actually know by name and was informed you need to use the secondary nutrients as well...... i tested this in ro water recently and still did not have the results claimed by an. the vendor i have is reputable and it is the ph perfect bottles. even with the whole lineup i was told you need to check the ph the same as the old lineup which honestly does me no good. it simply does not work as advertised from my end.
It would be a good idea for anyone interested in this to have a PPM meter to check the water they plan on using with it. I practically have RO water straight from the tap. My well water runs 8 PPM. No problems at all. If you start with good soft water, you won't need all of their products for it to work. I can use nothing but the base at 1/4 strength and it works just fine with my water. They wanna make money so yeah they are going to tell you need the whole 9 yards.

Your right they are chelated which gives a much wider pH range for nutrient uptake. The Sensi line isn't fully chelated, but the Connoisseur line is fully chelated from my understanding. It's more expensive but should be a better product. I'm thinking about trying it out when I run out of Sensi.
big mike said they wont even release the ph perfect line in the states till jan of next yr
This video of Big Mike posted yesterday says 1st week of December, according to that it should already be available in some states.

If nothing else, they have sure created a buzz. Been looking to find someone selling it in the states and no one yet. But lots of hits about it on other boards.
Lucky me Im from Canada and dont have to worry bout trying to get it across any borders.

Unfortunatly for me I use coco so PH Perfect is a HUGE NO-NO :no: