Anyone use advanced nutrients line up?

FWIW I tried AN when I was running DWC and didn't have success. I had much better results with other lines (Megacrop mainly). I am using Rooted Leaf products now (although in soil not hydro) and like them. IMHO, YMMVF, etc.
Save your money ;)

I switched from AN ph perfect, Big Bud, B-52 and Sensizym to either GH Maxi series or Mega Crop one part.

Both of which are also ph balanced, easier to measure (they are powders) and quite a bit less expensive.

And provide the same results !

I was looking into the GH line up as well. Just trying to get something solid for nutrients as well as root growth and bud density. I'm not one for change so I'd like to be able to find a line up that works for me and never change again.. haha
I was looking into the GH line up as well. Just trying to get something solid for nutrients as well as root growth and bud density. I'm not one for change so I'd like to be able to find a line up that works for me and never change again.. haha
Mega Crop one part OR GH MaxiGro/Bloom will do that for you ;)

Some don't even bother with the MaxiGro, MaxiBloom all the way....

I've been switching back and forth growing in coco/perlite using 2-part MegaCrop and Adv. Nutr. pH Perfect Connoisseur Grow and Bloom. Both product lines have essentially fully amino acid (or other)-chelated nutes, and I use both with RO/DI water with no pH adjustment or even ever measuring. Both manufacturers' products grow plants well. If there are problems, they're simple to rapidly fix, such as I usually have to add or foliar spray Mg in late grow phase.

I think the pH Perfect nutes are overall as good as base nutrients get (along with some competitors others may comment on), with they're also cost competitive (keeping in mind you will likely at most feed ≤2.5 gram/L vs. the recommended 4 g/L). Both product lines grow plants well without adding much in the way of supplements (with both manufacturers supplement recommendations seeming way too high for autos),

If you go the AN route, definitely get the top-of-the-line Connoisseur Grow and Bloom. For the trivial (or even sometimes no) difference in discounted price vs. the Sensi line and with Connoisseur simply manufactured to be a better product, I don't see why most AN users (at least on AFN) look to go with Sensi.
I use Bio Bizz light mix soil with Sensi Bloom part A+B only,
well some Overdrive at the End, but that's it
So would you recommend Connoisseur Bloom instead of Sensi?

I don't use much nutez in my grows these days as they seem to not mind, think it was last grow I did a slight test and didn't feed any nutez to 2 plants and they were just the same and not much difference between the ones that did get fed nutes.
Yes, pH Perfect functioning is disrupted by excess salts (high ppm/EC), so you really want to use RO/DI water (near 0 ppm) and from there try to keep the salt additives to a minimum.

So here's the deal. My city water which draws from Lake Superior draws consistently at 63 PPM, and pH ranges around 8.5. If I'm a cheap bastard, can I get by without RO and expect these A.N. pH Perfect nutes to work as advertised? Currently working in FoxFarm's Happy Frog w/FoxFarm's nutes. The intent is to move to coir, and finally, DWC/drip. A man with need of a plan.
So here's the deal. My city water which draws from Lake Superior draws consistently at 63 PPM, and pH ranges around 8.5. If I'm a cheap bastard, can I get by without RO and expect these A.N. pH Perfect nutes to work as advertised? Currently working in FoxFarm's Happy Frog w/FoxFarm's nutes. The intent is to move to coir, and finally, DWC/drip. A man with need of a plan.
From what I know (check with other sources), 63 ppm water should not be a problem with AN pH Perfect base nutes. Just try to keep added salts to a minimum.

It would be best to get your local water utility reporting of water analysis. For ex., I recall MI-WI Lake Superior area has major iron ore deposits, so make sure iron is not excessively high, accounting for most or nearly all of the ppms (likely not a problem).