Adjusting GH Flora Series for Autoflowers


Cultivators Club
Sep 4, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Mephisto Forum Stomper
Hey AFN,

For my current grow I'm using GH's Flora Series and they don't have a feed schedule specifically for Auto's. I'm wondering which weeks would be the best to omit in order to fit with a 11 week schedule. I see that the Mid-Bloom weeks are the same, as are the Late-Bloom weeks. I figured I would just cut from there, but I wanted to make sure with you guys before I do anything.

I am soon to be rolling with almost the same nutes (soft water variant) and was also wondering this all.
How religiously did you follow the chart? Trying to find a working schedule for mine when time comes.
Did you start some nutes at week 1?
How religiously did you follow the chart?
Did you start some nutes at week 1?
It's only my second grow so I haven't deviated from the chart at all. I'm growing in coco and started fertigating from day one. Seedlings got 150 ppm of 'Week 1' nutes. After that I increased the ppm's steadily by ~10% a day. I actually pushed it too far and ran into a nitrogen toxicity issue when I hit 650 ppm. Here's the thread in case you are curious. In hindsight I should have stopped at around ~500 ppm, but obviously your results will be different and you'll need to read your girls.

Hopefully the nutes/schedule works out well because it's easy to add or remove weeks depending on the cycle time of the strain you are growing.