Grow Room ac infinity T4 automatic fan controller

....just saw this thread and did not see this mentioned. I too had trouble with what I thought the controller would do. I called AC and rep gave me this link to help me understand difference between the 2 controllers. they are the same housing and appear exactly alike. the display is different and you look on the tag on back for "67". The 67 is much easier to use I thought. I have both.
Happy to be able to contribute a little bit. I am rich from the few nuggets of golden knowledge this site has flung in my path...
Issac w/AC recommended instead of the T-6 to just get the R motor size you want and add the 67 controller separate. Together it's 20 bucks more than a Tmodel whatever size with T controller...and for the difference in controllers, 20 bucks is cheap. Cheap cheap. Crazy cheap. My hope is to use the T controller in a dedicated dry tent. So I will always try and recommend to get the regular motor and 67 separate. Better than T- optioned motors.
My old controller had been failing for a long time. Somehow it was pushing some commands on its own, so I even joked that there was a ghost in the house. My wife used to joke that ghosts like a lot of cold, so the air conditioner was on full blast, and the room was getting as cold as a refrigerator. We tried to fix the controller, but nothing worked. But then I decided not to buy a new one, but to replace the air conditioner. We went to because we didn't like the old manufacturer. It's always nice to start something new, and a new air conditioner is fun too.
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