Good morning dude, I wouldn't worry to much, get them lady's in the ground and just go with it. Once they are above ground, stick your domes on. Make sure the domes have air flow... I use a party cup with small hole in the top. Leave that on for about 3 days then take it off and start misting every 12 hrs or as often as you like...its a plant it will grow, it just prefers a slightly higher humidtiy at the younger stage but don't worry if you don't hit it that magic 60% ish, you will soon once the girls start growing and giving of moister back into their environment. I noticed an increase in humidity around week 3, now I've got the problem of having to remove it... Also try a large shallow dish of water at the bottom of the tent to slowly evaporate. It's not going to fix it but it will help add some.
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I grow all winter long with RH of 30 - 40% with no issues. You'll be fine.
I have no idea what my RH has been for my entire grow. My temperatures started really high (around 88*f!!) And I worked (was forced really) diligently to get those temps down, 'acause I started with far too many CFL bulbs. Now on the LED, it's down to 73/67 lights on/off.
Now let the fun begin!!!
Those domes might kill your seeds. Seeds aren't like clones and don't like a very high humidity.
You can turn off the exhaust to get your humidity in the tent where you want it. Just a small oscillating fan would do just fine for air flow.
Also your light distance is fine. What is the temp inside the tent?
I always start under a dome, once I get about two days old I raise the dome up to give some airflow and decrease humidity. If my grow room is above 50% humidity after the first two days I just ditch the dome.
The risk is damping off, a condition that occurs when airflow is low and humidity is high. Low temps can also cause issues when using domes.
It's safe to go without domes, especially if you think your medium may be over wet. But careful and proper dome use will get you a head start with your plants.
I have a 10 inch fan pulling in the bottom left corner vent and I'll turn the 6 inch clip on fan inside the tent on.
Temperature is averaging around 77-78.
RH is set to 55 and averaging between 50-60%
I'll hold off on the domes until they start popping and then use them for a day or two.
I pre-watered the pots, took out all runoff about a 12 hours before I dropped the seeds in the medium, so they are plenty wet. I read on AFN to make sure the seeds weren't thrown into a dry medium and to bring the wet soil temps up to the grow room temps. Also I figured this would also allow me to try and get a suitable pH from the start to avoid trouble down the road, I hope that's alright.
Thanks guys!
Oh and...