Indoor AB Fills the Tent!

:Cheers:....My pleasure Sir Bot's! You're going to totally disgust me when those fresh porn pics get posted, just a warning!! :roflcry: Syrup is a real gem, all praise for this strain,... top o' the next-list for me, along with that OAA! Huh, losing the lemony aroma,...usually this type is pretty stable and durable,...better for you though!..indeed, who knows where the aromatics will go by curing's end'll be delish' in any case!
So I looked up elderberries and I have seen them in the woods growing up, but never smelled them. Never pondered it much over all the dozens of times I watched that movie. Is it just nonsensical like the hamster mother? Insinuating that he's a girly man because he smells sweet? Or do elderberries smell rotten? Ah, who knows with Python. Probably just a general indictment of the French as clueless insult slingers. :dunno::grin:
....This was actually a pretty good subtle insult (English all the way!)--> "your mother was a hamster, and you father smelt of elderberries!"-- to me, the English K-nigets were being likened to runny, messy, seed-spangled hamster turds!! :roflcry: :pimphand: Oh snappp! ...****... can't wait to see dry-porn of da goods my friend :banghead:.... you gonna be sooo set! I love the smokers dilemma of what to load up in the short term stash containers...:goodluck: :Sharing One:
Great grow Andy.
If you end up with more than you wanted, it is nice to have enough buds to make a top quality hash for those extra special occasions!
Not that you need any, but here you go,

PS doh! I gotta spread some before I lay those loveta... er repslaps on you!
Great grow Andy.
If you end up with more than you wanted, it is nice to have enough buds to make a top quality hash for those extra special occasions!
Not that you need any, but here you go,

PS doh! I gotta spread some before I lay those loveta... er repslaps on you!

Many thanks my ursidae friend!


I've got a big pile of trim and popcorn as well, so I do need to step up my hash game. I am not a huge edibles guy, and my efforts at ISO hash have been pretty crummy thus far. I should probably bite the bullet and invest in some bags so I can do it right.
Use ethanol rather than ISO
And smaller batches are MUCH easier, cleaner and quicker for someone new to making it.
keep your dry matter under 7g and enough alcohol to cover dry matter for two runs.

I can't say enough about Skunk Pharm Research website for making it simple and effective.
Here's another quick update before we get to some harvest action. The Amnesia is on day 3 of drying and is coming along well. Another couple of days and she'll jarred up for the long haul. The remaining three have become two after I chopped the Syrup, but I'll get to that later. Here are the goods:

Day 79

Buddha Seedbank Syrup - From mutant to glamour girl, here she is. The cooler temps have brought out all her beauty, and the purple has moved into the calyxes, not just the leaves. She's still got that sweet, spicy aroma, and the trichs are cloudy with a few amber mixed in. I had a some free time today so I went ahead and harvested her, so enjoy the final pics of the triple cola goodness!








Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison - She's dropped all the fans but keeps pushing out new pistils. Trichs still have a lot of clear, so I'll give her a little more time. The buds are the least dense of all the plants in this grow, but there's a load of bud on her and she's very wobbly and top heavy. Thankfully the fruity aroma is getting stronger by the day and it's got a Kool-Aid or Skittles sweetness to it. She's got all the room she needs in the tent so hopefully the buds will thicken up a bit more in the coming days.





Mephisto Sour Crack - Day 55 - The clawing that she's shown since early on is still there, but it's not stopping her from packing on the dense bud. Mitch says this one is a fast finisher, and I believe it. I doubt she'll make it up near 80 days like the others in this grow. The smell is fruity with a little skunky pungency, and she is frosted like crazy. I'm looking forward to seeing how much bud she can pack on to her 16" frame.





Stay tuned for some harvest action! :tiphat:
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If I hadn't already used my BoM nom the second to last Syrup picture would get it. It has the perfect autumn colors and looks just tremendous! Kudos!

PS- those Sour Crack trichs look beautiful!
:crap: Those are stunners AB. Absolutely beautiful :d5:

Get a BOM nom in here STAT!! :PH Reading..?:
Gorgeous color on those girls AB!
I hope the taste as good as they look and feel even better!
DAMN Andy! That Syrup! I want to nominate that beeeeeeeeeAUUUUUtiful babe but I'm on a silly phone and the buttons and stuff are too small!
She's amazing Andy! :bow: :bow: :bow: