I think I know what colors she likes best!.... We're of like minds there, UV purples, electric blues,.. bright yellows mixed in makes the totally pop too! There are some great Salvia's that carry super nice purple/blues, but you may need to go to a real nursery to find them,.... if you like vines, and trippy flowers, check around for Dutchmans' pipe (Aritstolochia)--
.....lots of other cool variations,.. google some images!....
Oh, go by and visit Hecno's yard and bring your lady, I posted some lovely orchids there!
.... Hecno is a wizard at self-sufficiency gardening,... got scored himself some COB's, made a little room (guarded by a native scrub python!-- only in Aussieland

), and is growing some beauties!

Oh man, you have a killer spread of aroma's on this grow my friend! Thank your gal for helping torture us,...

... that seals it, SN and OD are must gets! Strawberry aromatics are elusive sometimes,... I hear they are very fragile too, let a jar or bag get too warm, too long and the aroma just dies off,.... Last I had was a cross Strawberry Fields [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], which had nice true aromas, plus florals...*slobber* worth a grow someday, and more potent than Strawberry Cough,....