--- holy crap, that's a knuckle dragger bitch my man! She's like a bamboo patch in a pot,... I can't get over that columnar flat topped build, so cool,...

I dunno about the buds taking that photonic weapon of a light at the distances they are at, or will be,...

If you're going to super-crop/kink-top, now's the time! I think she may stack another 4-5" as the buds form up,...? My sphincter is winkin', and it's not even my plant!

... Outstanding,.... I really like the build on the BT x GWK, that's a shapely gal there! ...just right...
Have you done some defol' and such so far? BT 2.0 looks like she's shadowing the lowers pretty strongly,... with that height, no much can be done-

.... dude I cannot wait to see these animals fully shagged out!
