Mephisto Genetics A-Train's Mephisto/GBD Autoflower Mix Adventures.... 2018 Limited Edition and Artisanal Strains Test

My question is why use recharge through the entire life cycle of the plant, rather than switching to mammoth P?

Mammoth works. If you can switch from Recharge to mammoth DO IT... I'm on my last few grows so the cost of a brand new bottle of mammaoth is out weighed by the benifit

A year ago A-Train was running a very intensive nutrient program. It called for, among other things, Mammouth-P from roughly day 35 thru day 55. And throughout the entire cycle, "ReCharge @ double strength & SLF-100 @ 5ml/gal - once per week in lieu of regular feeding." I have run his full program numerous times over the past year. It's time consuming, but the results have been consistently outstanding. Of course, there's seemingly outstanding results from programs at the other end of the complexity scale -- like MegaCrop. Moral is, it pays to experiment. At the end of the rainbow I think most of us want the best quality and very respectable yields -- then comes the goal of least time & effort, then lowest cost.
:jawdrop: holy Brazilian shave-gone-porn star, Batsman! And spread out no less,...:hump: -- is, this pay-per-view??
:crying: .... damn dude, you are dangerous when drunk! ...but skilled- :rofl:....they look great A-T', a fine job on the defol' and LST :d5:.... how did they handle it? That's a crapload of leaves off their butts,... exposing a crapload of bud sites! I gather the BT2.0 is all by herself now?
So one if my buddies just dropped off a 250ml of mammoth. I know you’ve used it in conjunction with recharge(which I currently use). So quick question, do you mix it with the recharge, or use on different days? I kinda wanna use them together.

Or should I replace Recharge completely like you e suggested in prior post

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It may be wrong but I always make it a "root juice day" I blend the mammoth and recharge as well as a little liquid W-8 ( food for the bennies) and pour it to the root base. I try to let my pots get a little dryer on root day then I really pour it to the pots. It's about the only time I'll see runoff when I water