@Arsenal -- well, something that did pop into my head, though I'm just speculating,... a surge of herd activity that might have been slow previously for whatever reason, just may cycle up P and others into available forms rapidly, and the plant kinda goes nuts sucking them up!

..... organics
can burn, regardless of form, too much at once is too much at once if it's in uptake available forms! It's just that with organics, there's usually some breakdown/conversion delay... I half think this is what happened with my KS and Biotabs grows, and the mid-season appearance of tip burning,.... Enzymes are good stuff too, though maybe in part why my soils/tabs burned hard and fast at that point before petering out....
@D3ltå9Hævy -- enzymes are biomolecules that help break down and convert organic stuffs into other forms that either the plant can use directly or into things the soil herd can further convert to the plants benefit,.. this includes tough materials like cellulose, starches/sugars, certain proteins and the like,... dead roots, byproducts from other bio-activities,... clears out debris basically in a way, keeps soil healthier,...
Trip :smoking:...sounds like a trial run to me! ..... new 'Phisto tester strains-
