Mephisto Genetics A-Train's Mephisto/GBD Autoflower Mix Adventures.... 2018 Limited Edition and Artisanal Strains Test

in my experiance with the GBD Super Soil i can feed just plain water for about 30-35 days but once flower kicks in i usually need to supplement for when flower really picks up, but regardless im happy with how far it goes and it makes my grows easier :headbang: i have thought about upping the feed strength at the bottom of the pot but i dont want over do it.. guess ill have to just experiment next time i run it:pass:
Haven't been subbed to an @A-Train thread before, but with these new Mephisto Artisanals I think it's about time :toke:. Your threads are what brought me to AFN in the first place, so thank you for that :smoking::cheers:.

Just one question; I know that GBD Supersoil is 100% organic, but what about the other products? Herculean Harvest, Recharge, Dense etc.? Seem to recall that @hippy71 was suspicious about the Dense. But that could be my imagination :baked:.

Anyway, good luck with the new Meph seeds, will be following.
The 2nd for the kind
I've not been at this long but I started out using Kind Soil but switched to Biotabs and @gbd Super Soil, I now have a small stash of both! My problem has been wanting to add something else because it doesn't feel like I was doing anything and so I would add Mammoth P and then I would be surprised when the tips browned and the leaves turned to canoes! As I said not having done this for very long I don't know any other way but it seems I should add something, human nature I suppose. Your plants look great and it appears your stress level,is down as well, you my friend are winning! Good luck with your future grows!
Words and glad to have ya. Hope you stick around for the mephisto test. It'l be my last grow as I'm shutting down shop for a bit afterwards...
Haven't been subbed to an @A-Train thread before, but with these new Mephisto Artisanals I think it's about time :toke:. Your threads are what brought me to AFN in the first place, so thank you for that :smoking::cheers:.

Just one question; I know that GBD Supersoil is 100% organic, but what about the other products? Herculean Harvest, Recharge, Dense etc.? Seem to recall that @hippy71 was suspicious about the Dense. But that could be my imagination :baked:.

Anyway, good luck with the new Meph seeds, will be following.

All but the dense are totally organic. I'l have to do more research on it. Good to have ya here and thanks for the sub brother....
in my experiance with the GBD Super Soil i can feed just plain water for about 30-35 days but once flower kicks in i usually need to supplement for when flower really picks up, but regardless im happy with how far it goes and it makes my grows easier :headbang: i have thought about upping the feed strength at the bottom of the pot but i dont want over do it.. guess ill have to just experiment next time i run it:pass:

The Herculean Harvest is 0-6-0 and seemed to give them the boost needed in flower to really do well. I also switched to a cal mag that' 1-0-0 I know not much but in flower the added 1-6-0 and occasional dose of 0-0-64 and the plants def responded well. The skyrone is over 3 zips dry for sure. I' happy with a yield that size from a plant with that frame all day
Heres where we stand as i head out to the huntig camp til sunday evening... maybe some babies when we return.
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The Herculean Harvest is 0-6-0 and seemed to give them the boost needed in flower to really do well. I also switched to a cal mag that' 1-0-0 I know not much but in flower the added 1-6-0 and occasional dose of 0-0-64 and the plants def responded well. The skyrone is over 3 zips dry for sure. I' happy with a yield that size from a plant with that frame all day
yup I only gotta add some general organics calmag and a little Roots organics Bloom and they fill out nicely. GBD definitely has a quality base product and I bet some strains wont need to supplement.
:greencheck: -- roger that on the dosages/frequency,...:biggrin:

:greenthumb:-- these fine ladiezz are looking ready to get very busy! :hump: ... PAGOG, another nice size plant; stretch is dome mostly by now? They all look au naturale, no LST?
>>> Avalanche! I use that too, nice stuff.... a so called "bud hardener",.. this one is a soup of several things, but high K isn't one of them, so together they might be even better :eyebrows:... Only one of it's kind legal in CA, bad hormones!
:woohoo1:ahhh,... got dem bab-bees a-hatchin'!

>> @Arsenal ... that issue with MP must be a weird's just specialized microbes, no P in there,.. are you using other inoculants with GBD mix? ... some strains/plants can get a little burn around half way through,.. my Biotabs did on my ohoto's, KindShite did too; tip roasting, particularly on the new growth, but a lot of leaves older and new showed it,... I think there's a rapid breakdown and rush release of nutes sometimes, and I bet it's related to the soil herd tearing it up in there... not long after, I started getting some fast fading leaves, so the Tabs at least spike up and fizzed out! I ended up using supp' nutes, PK boosters, even a little grow nutes when N defc. started.... I also use Earth Juice Microblast weekly as well, all micronutes and nuthin' else, a great formulation,.. mostly SO4 based, so extra S is going in too! Most of the micro's are immobile type elements, and as ions, they're very reactive unless well chelated,.. easily locked out by chemical interactions, and high pH,... So keeping a constant low level supply available for uptake is wise IMO,.... Oh, and Si, always,.. same deal, constant low levels work best, but for different reasons,...SI is taken right up and used immediately, mostly going into cell wall tissues :amazon:

>> :yoinks: @Ryker604 ...not been in this porn hub before now?? Oh man, you gotta back-track mate, A-T is a Bud Machine! will spooge the keyboard when you see the ladies you've missed :woody: :rofl:........... Dense isn't organic at all,.. I forget A-T', I asked before what the label said main ingrd. are? KO I think,... :hothot:... but no doubt, what they label, and what's proprietary are different things!

>>> I'm with @tripaholic88 :smoking:... I gotta tinker with PK even in these type soils,... once burned, 3x paranoid!

>> @Margahooja :pass: man o' th' Hounds! How are you mate? :biggrin:
:greencheck: -- roger that on the dosages/frequency,...:biggrin:

:greenthumb:-- these fine ladiezz are looking ready to get very busy! :hump: ... PAGOG, another nice size plant; stretch is dome mostly by now? They all look au naturale, no LST?
>>> Avalanche! I use that too, nice stuff.... a so called "bud hardener",.. this one is a soup of several things, but high K isn't one of them, so together they might be even better :eyebrows:... Only one of it's kind legal in CA, bad hormones!
:woohoo1:ahhh,... got dem bab-bees a-hatchin'!

>> @Arsenal ... that issue with MP must be a weird's just specialized microbes, no P in there,.. are you using other inoculants with GBD mix? ... some strains/plants can get a little burn around half way through,.. my Biotabs did on my ohoto's, KindShite did too; tip roasting, particularly on the new growth, but a lot of leaves older and new showed it,... I think there's a rapid breakdown and rush release of nutes sometimes, and I bet it's related to the soil herd tearing it up in there... not long after, I started getting some fast fading leaves, so the Tabs at least spike up and fizzed out! I ended up using supp' nutes, PK boosters, even a little grow nutes when N defc. started.... I also use Earth Juice Microblast weekly as well, all micronutes and nuthin' else, a great formulation,.. mostly SO4 based, so extra S is going in too! Most of the micro's are immobile type elements, and as ions, they're very reactive unless well chelated,.. easily locked out by chemical interactions, and high pH,... So keeping a constant low level supply available for uptake is wise IMO,.... Oh, and Si, always,.. same deal, constant low levels work best, but for different reasons,...SI is taken right up and used immediately, mostly going into cell wall tissues :amazon:

>> :yoinks: @Ryker604 ...not been in this porn hub before now?? Oh man, you gotta back-track mate, A-T is a Bud Machine! will spooge the keyboard when you see the ladies you've missed :woody: :rofl:........... Dense isn't organic at all,.. I forget A-T', I asked before what the label said main ingrd. are? KO I think,... :hothot:... but no doubt, what they label, and what's proprietary are different things!

>>> I'm with @tripaholic88 :smoking:... I gotta tinker with PK even in these type soils,... once burned, 3x paranoid!

>> @Margahooja :pass: man o' th' Hounds! How are you mate? :biggrin:
Doing good @Waira, me and the hounds are tring to stay busy.