Mephisto Genetics A-Train's Mephisto/GBD Autoflower Mix Adventures.... 2018 Limited Edition and Artisanal Strains Test

>> @Arsenal ... that issue with MP must be a weird's just specialized microbes, no P in there,.. are you using other inoculants with GBD mix? ... some strains/plants can get a little burn around half way through,.. my Biotabs did on my ohoto's, KindShite did too; tip roasting, particularly on the new growth, but a lot of leaves older and new showed it,... I think there's a rapid breakdown and rush release of nutes sometimes, and I bet it's related to the soil herd tearing it up in there... not long after, I started getting some fast fading leaves, so the Tabs at least spike up and fizzed out! I ended up using supp' nutes, PK boosters, even a little grow nutes when N defc. started.... I also use Earth Juice Microblast weekly as well, all micronutes and nuthin' else, a great formulation,.. mostly SO4 based, so extra S is going in too! Most of the micro's are immobile type elements, and as ions, they're very reactive unless well chelated,.. easily locked out by chemical interactions, and high pH,... So keeping a constant low level supply available for uptake is wise IMO,.... Oh, and Si, always,.. same deal, constant low levels work best, but for different reasons,...SI is taken right up and used immediately, mostly going into cell wall tissues :amazon:
@Waira, good to hear from you mate! I haven't been using anything other than MP and I really didn't mean to imply that I thought it was the MP that caused the canoe and burnt tips. Really just a blurb about human nature and being impatient when growing. I'm finding my way through the forest, with help from yourself and the other good folks on AFN! I an bouncing between Biotabs products and GBD Super Soil, I use the Boom Boom Spray in the beginning, and will use the Tabs, or GBD Super Soil when they go into the final pot. I have adopted starting them in these propagation trays and then just putting container and all into my soul in the larger pot. As things progress I will introduce the Biotab PK 5-8 until a couple weeks from chop. I've been reading DJ Shorts book and he mentions Super Thrive but I haven't tried that yet. I did take his advice on a homemade CO2 generator so we shall see! I'm just looking for a photogenic crop that taste good with super effects!
I'm glad to see you still kicking it, A-Train. I'm happy to see you moving over to the KISS method as well. Hopefully using Recharge and an enzyme product? or literally just water and cal-mag?
What would an enzyme product do and why might you want it?
>>> Avalanche! I use that too, nice stuff.... a so called "bud hardener",.. this one is a soup of several things, but high K isn't one of them, so together they might be even better :eyebrows:... Only one of it's kind legal in CA, bad hormones!
yup i really like it, i can only imagine what Dense and Mendacino Avalanche together would do...i got both, hmmmmmmm....:doc3:
oh and @A-Train i got the new meph testers in today:headbang:
:cheers: @Arsenal -- well, something that did pop into my head, though I'm just speculating,... a surge of herd activity that might have been slow previously for whatever reason, just may cycle up P and others into available forms rapidly, and the plant kinda goes nuts sucking them up! :crisps:..... organics can burn, regardless of form, too much at once is too much at once if it's in uptake available forms! It's just that with organics, there's usually some breakdown/conversion delay... I half think this is what happened with my KS and Biotabs grows, and the mid-season appearance of tip burning,.... Enzymes are good stuff too, though maybe in part why my soils/tabs burned hard and fast at that point before petering out.... @D3ltå9Hævy -- enzymes are biomolecules that help break down and convert organic stuffs into other forms that either the plant can use directly or into things the soil herd can further convert to the plants benefit,.. this includes tough materials like cellulose, starches/sugars, certain proteins and the like,... dead roots, byproducts from other bio-activities,... clears out debris basically in a way, keeps soil healthier,...:greenthumb:

>> Trip :smoking:...sounds like a trial run to me! ..... new 'Phisto tester strains-:clapper: ..positively disgusting,...:rofl:
>> :yoinks: @Ryker604 ...not been in this porn hub before now?? Oh man, you gotta back-track mate, A-T is a Bud Machine! will spooge the keyboard when you see the ladies you've missed :woody: :rofl:........... Dense isn't organic at all,.. I forget A-T', I asked before what the label said main ingrd. are? KO I think,... :hothot:... but no doubt, what they label, and what's proprietary are different things

Visited many threads by A-Train, but haven't subscribed until now. For the new Meph babies, I'm here from the beginning :woohoo1::smoking:.

Yo @tripaholic88 , tag me if you're going to start a journal with the testers, loved your SAL :thumbsup:.
What would an enzyme product do and why might you want it?

Did you see the enzyme explanation @Waira wrote for ya? He is the man and spot on. Taking care of the root zone and proper fungi and enzyme are the keys to that. Makes growing your plants so much easier and the plants are vigorous when the root zone health is on point.

I use Recharge and SLF for all my bennies in the root zone.