Mephisto Genetics A-Train's Mephisto/GBD Autoflower Mix Adventures.... 2018 Limited Edition and Artisanal Strains Test

Did you see the enzyme explanation @Waira wrote for ya? He is the man and spot on. Taking care of the root zone and proper fungi and enzyme are the keys to that. Makes growing your plants so much easier and the plants are vigorous when the root zone health is on point.

I use Recharge and SLF for all my bennies in the root zone.

Thank you @A-Train and @Waira. Im Just trying to really sort through all this microbiology stuff lmao. Having week 5 ph lockout issues again I think but I will stArt my own thread buddy, don't wanna clog your art!:worship::thanks:
:crying: :finger:-- Oh oh!! I see how it is,... :backside:-- here's my brown eye winkin ' at ya!! :haha:

>> :cooldance: Huzzah! Everybody is up and going :d5:... Those are such enticing crosses, but for me the OD is Queen! I've been waiting for them to work out more orangy goodness,.. missed Orange Crack,... but a back cross like this should blow SODK off the line! ... I hope the strawberry aromatics carry through in SN as well,... that is a rare and fleeting aroma :thumbsup:

>> :drool: :clapper::clapper::clapper: What a phat-fat haul dude! :hump:... dry porn is fantastic, you can tell it's resin heavy density, not compaction... lovely bud too! So, did you get your Lady to do a nose test for me? ..... I was going to ask you before but forgot, what with your superb body of work here, what strain(s) so far do you like the best all around, found most potent, most stanky? Mephisto and other breeders,... answer when you fell like my friend, this will take some thought I'm sure! :slap:

>> :greenthumb: new girls are coming along beautifully,...:wiz:... though GW got nearly shaved like a thong model! :rofl: I know it's the stretchy node distance that makes it look that way, just my pervy-eye-for-the-stoned guy at work don't you know! :crying: :pass:

Yeah the strain question will take some pondering lol... it' Been so many...

Yes the Orange Diesel is gonna be SWEET.... it mixed with the SODK that yielded out the ass will be a real treat. I' Looking at doing 2 plants per tent for flower so plenty of much needed room to let them do their thang...
That Skyrone Stomper is looking bonkers dude :drool:. And congratz on the 100% germination rate, nice to hear they're all up and running :goodluck:.

Thanks for the good Karma my man. Yeas the SS haul was very nice. And the germ rate is typical for mephisto. Very rare when I did things right they failed to germ.
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Thank you @A-Train and @Waira. Im Just trying to really sort through all this microbiology stuff lmao. Having week 5 ph lockout issues again I think but I will stArt my own thread buddy, don't wanna clog your art!:worship::thanks:

There' No clogging anything here..... you are more than welcome to ask and talk here. We all learn from the banter and benefit from it.

My honest 2 cents.... is research research research... the more you read and understand what the plants need and WHY... the better off they will be and for a cheaper cost not buying into some of the gimmick stuff.
That looks pretty tasty ( : ! Great job as usual @A-Train

I was going to place an order with memphisto today but seen it say store is closed till Feb 1 ..... so now I wait lol

Up brother. Good to see you here. Post a few pics of your late start gals I know they are stellar as always...

Yeah sucks about the mepisto deal but Mitch is straight up and getting it hashed out... Good things come to those who wait
Up brother. Good to see you here. Post a few pics of your late start gals I know they are stellar as always...

Yeah sucks about the mepisto deal but Mitch is straight up and getting it hashed out... Good things come to those who wait
Ive been doing a lot of pollen chucking lol with photo period plants from tga and Hso seed company ( : I actually have 5 girls ( auto's ) going there around day 20 give or take . I will make a journal been awhile since I've really been on here .... deff best site I've ever been on for information and help/ vibe !