Indoor A-Train does Magic Strains : Vodoo (Amnesia x Bubba Kush)

*slobber* -- :hump::hump::hump: daaaaaamn, she phattened up big time!! Buds look fantastic-- must you always make be beg?! :rofl: - close-up's mandatory! Oooohh and the aroma :drool:--that's all Amnesia there, what a terp' score! Banana is an unusual twist, so I hope she keeps it through cure... fingers crossed! She' young enough still that her perfume may change significantly :biggrin:
:jointman: yaah mon! I figured it was your Lady's nose behind it after all- :rofl:
...I've had some real chameleons before... two Sweet Specials I had were literally f'ing with me from mid-bloom on! :confused1: :rofl: 2 big terp' profile shifts during bloom, and more after cure,...And they were different from each other to boot! Other strains remained amazingly steady for me... MoB, Lamby, Green Poison FV hardly wavered-- :shrug: