Indoor A newbies Grow Journal ... from it's Genesis to it's Rapture

Carriers are very good at dumping things with neighbours and not letting you know...or better still, blaming incorrectly formatted addresses...get a copy of the labels and the delivery notes, I'm willing to bet something is wrong there somewhere...


Yeah ... I get that ... BUT ... with one vendor, I received partial delivery, but the rest of it seems to have gone walkabout.

Vendor pointing finger at courier, courier pointing finger at person who took delivery ... somehow - allegedly - it's MY fault that some grow equipment has disappeared into the ether.

Classic example ...
  • vendor states that TWO boxes were sent.
  • courier claims that TWO boxes were delivered.
  • ONE box was received, which contained 6 x 30L Air-pots.

For those that have them, you will know 6 x 30L Airpots is not something you can deliver in a shoebox; they're BIG.
Hence a dedicated box to the Air-pots.
Anyway ... this is where the Vendor/Courier story unravels.

The rest of the single vendor order included;
  • various bottles of AN nutes
  • 2 x oscillating tent fans
  • a light timer/controller box

Now, I can accept that these could fit into a 2nd box.
So let's accept that as a valid claim by the vendor.

HOWEVER ... the hole in their story develops when you consider that also in this order were;
  • 6 round saucers for the Air-pots, which were 45cm in diameter.
They would be hard pressed to squeeze into this allegedly packed, allegedly sent, allegedly delivered, single box, along with nutes, fans and a timer. But again, let's accept they could have been ...

BUT WAIT ... there's more ...

Also - allegedly - packed into this miraculous, tardis of a 2nd box, was;
  • 4 x 50L bags of soil

It was at this point that said vendor Customer Service department started to comprehend my inability to accept they had actually delivered the full order in just 2 boxes, when I simply asked HOW all of those items - including 4 x 50L bags of soil - could fit in to a single box.

The 'computer' was telling her 2 boxes were sent and the order was sent and delivered.
The 'human logic' was telling her it was impossible to send and deliver the quantity of items in just 2 boxes.

Houston, we have a problem.

we had an issue with one of our carriers, who said that a box couldn't possibly have been stood on and therefore damaged the light within...argued it for days until they eventually were sent the photograph of the damaged box...complete with footprint... :)

we had an issue with one of our carriers, who said that a box couldn't possibly have been stood on and therefore damaged the light within...argued it for days until they eventually were sent the photograph of the damaged box...complete with footprint... :)

I remember a time when the customer was always right ...



I remember a time when the customer was always right ...



Ask for a copy of the shipping manifest from the vendor; tracking numbers usually have a ship weight associated with them. Depending on their logistics software, they may be able to see what the package weight sent was versus the package weight tracked.

Also, file a claim with whoever the carrier was. Things go missing and get lost all the time, that's the breaks of the game. The sooner you get a claim going, the sooner they will investigate into what happened. Ultimately it's the vendor who should be working with you; if the carrier was at the fault the vendor will file a claim with them. If they are deemed not at a fault, then hopefully you're working with a vendor that understands shrinkage and will work on making things right with you.

Let us know how it turns out brother! :d5:
Ask for a copy of the shipping manifest from the vendor; tracking numbers usually have a ship weight associated with them. Depending on their logistics software, they may be able to see what the package weight sent was versus the package weight tracked.

Also, file a claim with whoever the carrier was. Things go missing and get lost all the time, that's the breaks of the game. The sooner you get a claim going, the sooner they will investigate into what happened. Ultimately it's the vendor who should be working with you; if the carrier was at the fault the vendor will file a claim with them. If they are deemed not at a fault, then hopefully you're working with a vendor that understands shrinkage and will work on making things right with you.

Let us know how it turns out brother! :d5:

Yeah ... claim with both vendor and courier already underway.
According to shipping paperwork, the total weight was only 9kgs.


Officially being ignored by the vendor now.

Have attempted to communicate by:
  • Phone ... spoke to Customer Services who assured me I would be contacted by the end of the day. I haven't been.
  • E-mail ... all ignored. No reply received - not even a simple acknowledegment.
  • Online Contact Form ... all ignored. No reply received - not even a simple acknowledegment.
  • Facebook ... all ignored, despite being "Seen" - the gift of FB Messenger - it confirms the time a message is "seen".
  • Twitter ... no response.
  • WhatsApp! ... no response.

They have my money AND my items ... oh, except for 6 Airpots.



Finally someone from ServoVendi contacted me, only to tell me that I received the items.
Since telling me this, they have gone back to ignoring my communication, asking how this is going to be resolved.

Really ServoVendi?

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@Son of Hobbes - you might get a chuckle out of this ...

It would seem that ServoVendi has found a way to ignore the Laws of Physics, and to suspend gravity.
From their website, I calculated the total weight of the items that I ordered, and have paid for.


Here is the "proof" ServoVendi sent me to support their claims that I have received the items;


So it seems ServoVendi can pack multiple items, many of them large, weighing 84kgs, into 2 boxes with a total weight of 9kgs.


Sorry if I'm ranting folks ... I am just incredibly pissed off and frustrated.
I'm also out of pocket, hugely disappointed, and royally offended / insulted.

If ServoVendi remains entrenched in its position, with an argument that defies all logic and laws of physics, myopically citing a delivery document that evidences their position is untenable ... I'm not sure what my next move is.

:grump: is the underlying "rule" by which everything revolves...I once lit a concert having blagged all the kit myself from a well known nightclub despite it having been booked months in advance...the kit turned up 2 days after the concert... :(