Fast Buds A new western....maryjane wayne and her six shooter

Here's pics from seconds ago...notice the grape crinkle by mephisto in the upper right in the fabric's a day younger then the six shooters, has went through a transplant, is in the same soil mix and getting the same feed as the six shooter, same amounts everything. Looks bigger and happier lol
Here's pics from seconds ago...notice the grape crinkle by mephisto in the upper right in the fabric's a day younger then the six shooters, has went through a transplant, is in the same soil mix getting the same nutrients and same amounts. Looks bigger and healthier and praying lol having problems uploading pics today...
Airtight so here we are day 22. Last night I mixed up two liters of feed containing RO water, 2.75ml grow a and b and 2 ml carboload. Each plant got 500ml. I have a grape crinkle with them in the same feed and only a day behind them in age. She's bigger and healthier!!! Lol I've not had good luck with fast buds so far to be honest. This is my second round tying their gear. Got three more packs of their stuff...hope to find a gem some where....well anyway don't laugh but here they are...don't know what the problem in my garden is...everything looks happy and healthy for the most part, just slow ass growth....don't mind the yellow stickies. Just precautionary from my fungus gnats battle in a different grow space, those on the sticky are not from this grow room. Rh could b higher but everything else seems great... oh well keep on trucking right? The six shooter are the ones in the smaller three gallon pots....crinkle back right and stone dragon front left....wish my other six shooter grower was here for me to compare too lol....
Ure in coco right Pete so how you treating it like soil or coco as 500 ml don't sound much bro I feed 1.2 litre every 2 days as I'm a lazy so and so we're @tripaholic88 feeds 2_3 times a day with excellent results just a little food for thought bro remember chin up
Ure in coco right Pete so how you treating it like soil or coco as 500 ml don't sound much bro I feed 1.2 litre every 2 days as I'm a lazy so and so we're @tripaholic88 feeds 2_3 times a day with excellent results just a little food for thought bro remember chin up
1/3 coco, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 sunshine [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] aggregate plus. So it's basically just a wild mix of the three. If I buy pre-made mix I use sunshine ultra coir. About the same thing. But I treat it like soil because I just got over fungus gnats and last time I tried to do water until run off style feeding I got the fungus gnats lol so back to Hampton style feeding. I do hand water little amounts everyday though. But with almost 20 plants it's hard to do multiple feedings to every plant each day so I'm meeting in the soil coco middle area lol
1/3 coco, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 sunshine [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] aggregate plus. So it's basically just a wild mix of the three. If I buy pre-made mix I use sunshine ultra coir. About the same thing. But I treat it like soil because I just got over fungus gnats and last time I tried to do water until run off style feeding I got the fungus gnats lol so back to Hampton style feeding. I do hand water little amounts everyday though. But with almost 20 plants it's hard to do multiple feedings to every plant each day so I'm meeting in the soil coco middle area lol
The same as me then my pots consists of coco 40:%soil 40% and 20 perilte
The same as me then my pots consists of coco 40:%soil 40% and 20 perilte
Great minds think alike Bailey! I upped feed to a full liter today. My grape crinkle is a day younger and blowing by them....only difference so far is the six shooter are in plastic pots and grape crinkle in fabric....I need to do a side by side with the same strain and see if there's making a difference too. But yeah they six shooter look happy color wise but their posture sucks lol....I'll go grab a pic of them....honestly my wife's stone dragon on day 14 looks like its going to whoop all my girls lol