Fast Buds A new western....maryjane wayne and her six shooter

Chin up bro they will pick up
Bailey your the kindest soul ever and always there to give me a pat on the back. I'm overwhelmed and have lost sight of the basics. It's time to bring it back and get on track. Get this room down and get back into my tents where I'm comfortable until I have a more environmentally stable room I can build. I can't wait for fall to start and temps to start cooling off. Dunno why my growth sucks. You rock @Bailey
Bailey your the kindest soul ever and always there to give me a pat on the back. I'm overwhelmed and have lost sight of the basics. It's time to bring it back and get on track. Get this room down and get back into my tents where I'm comfortable until I have a more environmentally stable room I can build. I can't wait for fall to start and temps to start cooling off. Dunno why my growth sucks. You rock @Bailey
Thanks bro ure a star ureself I find I get a slow start in coco unless I hit them with nutes straight away. I believe ure on the right track with scrapping everything and doing what works for you just look at how good ure first grow was brother
Yeah it's time I find my own way with things and I'm getting things rounded up now. I'll be using a nutrient line I believe no one on here is using....RX green solutions. I've been studying it and checking it out for awhile. After I run out everything I have I'm going to grab their whole line besides roots and start fresh. My own schedule and feeding charts and style
Yeah it's time I find my own way with things and I'm getting things rounded up now. I'll be using a nutrient line I believe no one on here is using....RX green solutions. I've been studying it and checking it out for awhile. After I run out everything I have I'm going to grab their whole line besides roots and start fresh. My own schedule and feeding charts and style
That's what I do I don't follow anyone feeding schedule I just feed little from the first 3 weeks then build it up till I see a slight nutes burn then back off slightly and I feed around every 2-3 days this is how I was taught to grow photos and I just incorporated into autos
That's what I do I don't follow anyone feeding schedule I just feed little from the first 3 weeks then build it up till I see a slight nutes burn then back off slightly and I feed around every 2-3 days this is how I was taught to grow photos and I just incorporated into autos
Yeah that's the plan!!! You got it down too!!! I think I've decided on what nutrients in going to use as well. RX green solutions when my advanced bases run out.
After I get everything cleared out I'm changing everything up. Throwing away all my soil, nutrients and most of what I've learned and going completely back to the basics. As I try more things and try to upgrade things I get further and further away from the basic fundamentals and my grows have gotten real weak. I've had one harvest I've been happy with out of the last like 4-5. Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone but I'm basically at screw LED, advanced nutrients and trying to create a more airy soil. My biggest yield so far was with HPS, fox farm nutrients (just the basic trio) and basic veg nutrients until stretch stops than switch to bloom. All 1/4 pound dry plants. A year later still chasing my tail trying to get a worthy yield but I couldn't even hit 4oz on dinafem cheese xxl. So it's either time to quit growing....or to hop off all these "next best things" trains and get back to the basics. The fundamentals of how a plant grows.
I mean these are 15 days old and haven't done nothing. Those are only 3 gal pots. Ridiculous and embarrassing as all get out.
Kudos and a major shout out to everyone on here who truly knows how to consistently grow cannabis and find their own way. A year later and I'm still mimicking tangs schedule trying to make it work for me and it's not anymore. I need to put down my phone, stop reading and watching everyone else succeed and I need to start from scratch and find my own way. Because the way these are going I'm going to have another crappy grow. I couldn't even get a good grow from kind soil. Just add water....LMAO....these are easily 5-7 days behind in growth. If it wasn't for a competition I'd probably just scrap them im so frustrated at this point.View attachment 617282 View attachment 617286 View attachment 617289
Hang in there man, they are just behind not dead. in my opinion eaven if you get these really small plants the chances are the buds on them will be well worth the effort.
Hang in there man, they are just behind not dead. in my opinion eaven if you get these really small plants the chances are the buds on them will be well worth the effort.
They are just moving very slow for me, hope they take off here soon....they look healthy, just moving 17 today. Last night all three girls got 250ml of feed. Feed contains RO water, 1ml of sensi A and B and 1ml of voodoo juice. Solar system 300 was started 30" off the pots. Once the girls reach 6" tall I will turn on the full spectrum and full 300w of power. Right now I'm only using 200w. I said in the beginning I was going to let these run wild but I've decided to train all three my normal style to increase canopy size and harvest weight hopefully. Nice big level canopy always brings great results. Should easily hit 1gpw with this strain and these awesome lights from amare technologies!