Indoor A mix of Autos photos and fast strains 27 plants in total

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A few more shots as they come along.
:pop: :goodluck: :d5:
great to see you back at it
Thank you my man I have not felt this good in YEARS darn CBD works well:toke::toke:
Is that a 4x8? I'm excited to see them fill out!! 1 or 3 gallon pots?
No Bro by the time Im going I should I will have all three 8x8 tents going and a 4x4. I think im at around 27 plants in total. I have 4 gallons of soil per bag.
Oh boy oh boy:jump: Me thinks i can learn something here this winter. Good to see you got the journal going :thumbsup:
If I can be of any help I will be and I hope I am brother.

I have started feeding two days ago I have started at 1 gram of mega crop per gallon and .25 mills of miicrobial mass pro. I will be ramping up as needed.
This is my latest update. Im feeding 4 grams of mega crop latest version I think lol. And I gave it a half a mill Miicrobial Mass I have a few that are a bit stunted do to cold snaps but I went out and bought brand new oil heaters I willl have two to a room at 750 watts a piece one on one end of the room and one on the other end to evenly distribute the heat. I love these quantum boards almost half the wattage as when running fan built led lights and no noise from fans it is one of the most important upgrades to indoor growing IMO I am runnig 1000 watts less in my 8x8 tents. I had a few set backs in setting up my other rooms but they are done I will be putting all the autos in one tent and the photos in the the other tents 28.
They are dollarama 25 cent a piece bags my man. I do a bit of leaf tucking an plucking but very little. I do make sure the temp is always above 80 degrees to 85 I find anything under 80 degrees stunts especially autoflowers when using led as your light source. If using less then four gallons of soil double up the grow bags so they contain the water better. Cheers Mate and thanks for dropping by.
Impressive to say the least! :yoinks: Do you try to control the grow or just let them be?
And i thought i went big with a 4x8...:shrug:
Are those regular Dollorama shopping bags or do they really sell grow bags?
I have three 8x8 tents an a 4x4 tent I usually have them all up an running. But a 4x8 is still a huge area and can grow lots of bud.