Outdoor My summer grow of autos and photos too.

I had to crop a blue Moby due to rot in the main cola it could have used a week or so but still dank and sticky it will make nice extraction the nugs are not a bad size either.
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I have 10 plants with pieces of rot on them I cleaned thoroughly around allot of them and they are getting hard an red hairs forming so some are not far from done those ten will be getting chopped in the next few days some autos I have chosen cannot handle straight outdoor growing I should have picked more leaves of in veg an early bud. But I did not want to stress them. I still have lots that are doing just great. Like 20twentyMendocino snow G is going great they will all be picked with in two weeks of now.
you notice on the Runtz a bit of rot but it was cleaned and gotten tide of if I see any more I will be chopping.
I am a little bummed out with bud rot. They were in day 72. Give or take a day. I took down some decent size frosty bud that will make wicked Rosin I still have 5 exceptional sticky fingers and rwo Hellraiser and a few more. These plants in the pictures were dense enough to clear rot I tried picking rot off a few but it appeared somewhere else today. We had powerfull rain usually we get allot more sun in July but not this year.
I am a little bummed out with bud rot.
Hey brother,

It's part of growing outside.
There's nothing we can do, it's...

But I know the feeling...when you see that first piece of rot and you start hoping "that's all of it", but deep down you already know there's gonna be more... :crying:
I solved it by growing more then I need. Best case, all my jars are full. Worst case, I have to much and have to burn some to get rid of it... :shrug:
Hey brother,

It's part of growing outside.
There's nothing we can do, it's...

But I know the feeling...when you see that first piece of rot and you start hoping "that's all of it", but deep down you already know there's gonna be more... :crying:
I solved it by growing more then I need. Best case, all my jars are full. Worst case, I have to much and have to burn some to get rid of it... :shrug:
THANKS bro I was taken aback by how many different strains it took out. This being the middle of summer it freaked me right out. I still have 35 plus plants that are still going strong bro so I hope the weather stays sunny and warm. And that one above. I have not ran out weed since the early nineties lol