Outdoor A Journey to Myself or How to become better man again

I dont think this N def is just a lack of nitrogen at the roots but an issue with the bio dynamism of the soil, or lack of.. the lack of moisture does not allow key processes to take place.

I am hoping, for all our sakes, a downpour saturating the soil will remedy this.
Maybe it's a mix of both, because they never got dry being always moist and they grew very fast and only having 50+ liter of medium, after putting 2.5 liters of supersoil on the bags they recovered, thanks for popping in Jay!
theirs you complaining that's its the hottest summer for an outdoor grow and there me thinking that this would have been the perfect summer to grow out door in the UK.... I bet I could have got Mendo Dope size tree in the UK this summer, with a little practice.

All looking good Mongal despite the the drought.
Yeah, the sun hours are endless this year, in fact we have 40% more sunshine and 65% less rain in my area compared to other years before, but for canna if there is enough water it's prime time weather!
Yeah, the sun hours are endless this year, in fact we have 40% more sunshine and 65% less rain in my area compared to other years before, but for canna if there is enough water it's prime time weather!

hottest summer on record for parts of the UK with my neck of the woods being one of the hottest... I bet the summer 2018 will talked about for years to come with in the UK gorilla grower clans
hottest summer on record for parts of the UK with my neck of the woods being one of the hottest... I bet the summer 2018 will talked about for years to come with in the UK gorilla grower clans

I don't know about hottest summer ever. It was certainly one of the hottest July's ever though. I had a run of 21 back to back days exceeding 30C. But the summer of 1976 saw 32C+ every single day for like 4 months. 1976 was definitely hotter than 2018.

But this summer has surely been our driest on record. I have recorded 3 days of rainfall since mid May, totalling about 0.2 inches. If this summer will be remembered for anything, it will be the drought, more so than the heat. But it has still been very hot. The temperature here exceeded 35C eight times in July, with an overnight low of 24C on one of those nights, which was a record high overnight low for July.

Either way, it has been great weather for the autoflowers. Not so much so, for the photoperiods. The drought has done them in big time. I'm guessing you are in my neck of the woods, because I am in the hottest part of the UK for summer temps. Not so much winter temps though...
Back on " Giants " place which was near to dry out, but today i could bring out first 50 liters of water at once and after that i returned with another 10 liter and they needed it, ass they are already into flower i'm scared what they will drink soon, but first 3 plants should be ready to harvest in about 1 month---> so less plants, idk, but i hope so, it's the first time for me growing the fast line of Sweets?!?
But here we are, dunno if my remembers are ok, but Jack 47 is in full flower swing and building up nice frost, the smell is more thsn amazing with a deep citrus hit, more lemon than orange and very fruity, like a cocktail!





The Green Poison was dried out pretty hard, but alive and also into flower...



You all have a great summer with less heat, more rain and always a good grobro in your back smoking a heavenly
hottest summer on record for parts of the UK with my neck of the woods being one of the hottest... I bet the summer 2018 will talked about for years to come with in the UK gorilla grower clans
UK gorilla grower clans, how i like that!!
They were talking on the radio news here in Calif yesterday about all the wildfires in Austria.. I hear its been hot and dry out your way.
Indeed! fires are all around here in europe and they're talking about new strategys in the news how to handle these upcoming fires in the future, because our firefighters are not equipped for that like at your place!
I worked for the forestry service for 3 summers in high school cutting fire breaks and all sorts of other fun stuff here in Calif. Calif has its own fire crews for the wildfires called CalFire on top of the Forest Service and then the local fire dept's jump in to help keep the fire off of homes and property. On top of that they bring in all kinds of aircraft to fight the fire. I heard that Austria was looking into how they do it out here because of all the fires there. Back in 2006 I lived next to an area that had not had a fire in 75+ yrs, crazy that how we look at it. But it burned and had to evacuate and watch the fire come down the mountain up to the house in minutes. My neighbor stayed and said that the fire was so loud it sounded like and earthquake and the flames were 300ft high. the had 4 air planes dropping water and retardant and 3 helicopters. Luckily no one lost their home and every night at dusk for two years it smelled awful like a really bad burnt pizza. So I hope it doesn't get close to you out there. I'm sure some gorilla farms out here burned for sure.
" Rabbith " place


The good and the bad of 2 plants, after another bag of 25 liters of Florganics arrived yesterday all plants got a 1:1 mix Flo with coco, that makes a total add of 5 liters Flo to the starting mix, it's the first time i'm growing a cheese strain and this one from Sweets is amazing, the smell is very strong spicy, fruity and deep inhaled long lasting pleasure for my nose, never had before and fine into flower...




this Green Poison suffered most, idk if she is worth to care further?



Happy Growing AFN!