Outdoor A Journey to Myself or How to become better man again

:pass: Hey Mongol! :greenthumb:-Looking pretty damn good out there, considering the weather and the dry-outs! That FLO soil is doing a damn fine job, and the Sweet's are making the most of it- :growing: :hump: ... are they all F1FV's? Skunk, Cheese and GP are the fastest bloom/harvest by far,...the J47 FV is much better relative to the reg. photo' version, but still likely to be last in,... I know you can't see the very tops (a lot of stretch by them to get at the Sun), but I'm betting they're getting that compacted look that signals the shift into full bloom,...:woohoo1: I'm sure these FV's are going to treat you right! ..... 11 Roses is making a lot of us happy too... Such a great showing she's had so far,... Golosa is next of the list for Delicious Seeds- :eyebrows:....
So, those leaves, are they mid-lower level ones? It's a weird symptom, but I've seen it before here, even have pics in the Defc. Pics Depot,... I'm pretty sure it;s P defc., but I'm thinking it was triggered by the dry-out, which can screw up the pH, hurt the roots/ nuteuptake capacity, mess with the soil herd's cycling of the nutes,... if you have a pH probe, I'd take a reading just to be sure, otherwise hopefully it's a temporary thing that the watering will sort out,...
:cheers: :clapper: Keep grinding mate, they are prime and ready to get sexy! :spels: :d5: :slap:
:pass: Hey Mongol! :greenthumb:-Looking pretty damn good out there, considering the weather and the dry-outs! That FLO soil is doing a damn fine job, and the Sweet's are making the most of it- :growing: :hump: ... are they all F1FV's? Skunk, Cheese and GP are the fastest bloom/harvest by far,...the J47 FV is much better relative to the reg. photo' version, but still likely to be last in,... I know you can't see the very tops (a lot of stretch by them to get at the Sun), but I'm betting they're getting that compacted look that signals the shift into full bloom,...:woohoo1: I'm sure these FV's are going to treat you right! ..... 11 Roses is making a lot of us happy too... Such a great showing she's had so far,... Golosa is next of the list for Delicious Seeds- :eyebrows:....
So, those leaves, are they mid-lower level ones? It's a weird symptom, but I've seen it before here, even have pics in the Defc. Pics Depot,... I'm pretty sure it;s P defc., but I'm thinking it was triggered by the dry-out, which can screw up the pH, hurt the roots/ nuteuptake capacity, mess with the soil herd's cycling of the nutes,... if you have a pH probe, I'd take a reading just to be sure, otherwise hopefully it's a temporary thing that the watering will sort out,...
:cheers: :clapper: Keep grinding mate, they are prime and ready to get sexy! :spels: :d5: :slap:
Cheers Waira Sir,

yeah i think they're all F 1 FV, the damaged leafey are from the midst of the plant, would like to get a ph from inside pot, but my accurate 8 is in a storage room out of town since i had to remove all canna thing from my place, because of the MIB...the signs on all plants are on bloom, it's just to give em another couple of days, i'm pretty curious my self as i'm a first timer on the FV of Sweets and i'm pretty impressed of their vigor, can't wait for the first harvest!:smoking:

Golosa is on my list, but don't know when to grow as far i can't indoor grow for a while:shrug:

Specail thanks for your warm reppers!:pass:
Why do voles always place their nest into my growbags?:cuss:

11 Roses
Sticky Monkey GG4
1 Green Poison
1 Jack47
Because of the drought the farmer harvested the forage maize 5 !!!! weeks earlier this morning than usual! The big failure is i can't use this area in the future any more...



Dry land!​