Outdoor A Journey to Myself or How to become better man again

What's up guys and galettes, due to a security issue last end of the week i had to close the tent, clear all and bring out all girls at one place in the shade, ergo the become leggy and they suffered from snails, got 2 plants half eaten up from this bastards, the problem is that the supersoil mix isn't ready because no supersoil, post agency did a big failure so they will suffer more than another week in the small pots, let's look how it will end, ah we're starting why " A journey to myself" and " How to become a better man again "...
saturday on bike bringing girls out 4 gours
sunday on bike bringing girls out 5 hours
today after work 2 hours, only one shot...
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corn isn't growing fast enough and im really happy if he has the height to protect me and the plants.:thumbsup:

Happy growing AFN!:headbang:

and keep :pass:better:smokeout:

just stay safe my man, that's most important... plants are looking good on their holidays
hey man good to see you :bighug:
Good to be back archie!:pass:
Well, as you know i had this little risk contact which became a big issue, the Men in Black really wanted to know which are my most beloved plants, but my lawyer could defend the suspicions and today i got the letter that the investigation procedure is closed!:thumbsup:

And finally i can show my outdoor plants, that i could safe, will take some pics and upload soon:drool:
Welcome back Mon, glad to see that you are alive and well :pighug:.
Yeah, me too Ryker, i've been under observation for a couple of weeks and beeing it and growing outdoors at the same time was a tricky challenge:headbang: