A couple of questions from a first time grower who recently planted.

Would the white dust be on the filter or somewhere else? Also, you just made me think of another good question - when does the inline really start to become necessary to contain the smell?
The white dust will come out of the humidifier and get on the tent walls.
My inline fan runs constantly. As far smell, when flowering matures, the stink will let you know. The only fans that don't run 24/7 are my 6 inch fans during the first two weeks of grow.
How much water should I be giving the plant at this point? Approximately a week in soil from when it popped up. Should I be watering to 10 - 15% runoff at this early stage?
If in soil such as Ocean Forest or Happy Frog, you want the pot to dry well before next watering. When I was in Ocean Forest soil, I watered the pot to some runoff, 6 hours before planting germed seed.
Get used to lifting one side of pot with thumb and index finger to check weight. When it's light, you can water. You'll get used to the weight feeling soon enough.
The white dust will come out of the humidifier and get on the tent walls.
My inline fan runs constantly. As far smell, when flowering matures, the stink will let you know. The only fans that don't run 24/7 are my 6 inch fans during the first two weeks of grow.

So, what week would that be, give or take? And I guess I could turn off my inline fan, but I feel like it's getting a little hot in there. Hit 84 F today.

If in soil such as Ocean Forest or Happy Frog, you want the pot to dry well before next watering. When I was in Ocean Forest soil, I watered the pot to some runoff, 6 hours before planting germed seed.
Get used to lifting one side of pot with thumb and index finger to check weight. When it's light, you can water. You'll get used to the weight feeling soon enough.

I think I didn't give them enough water at first. 2/3 seedlings dried out completely. I probably buried them too far, too.

I stick my finger in and I feel the pot's weight, but I'm not giving much water since they're ~8 days after being put in soil, and that makes it harder to judge whether it's necessary. In my dry environment, I'm probably under-watering.
So, what week would that be, give or take? And I guess I could turn off my inline fan, but I feel like it's getting a little hot in there. Hit 84 F today.
Keep the inline fan on, especially if it's getting hot in tent. When plants start to smell is different strain to strain. In general, about weeks 5-7.
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A moisture meter will help with watering questions and solve compulsiveness...
I use an Apera ph20....good pen, good reviews, back it up with a $15 cheapy...both been great for a year now...solved my ph issues.
How is she looking so far? She's a darker, slightly waxier kind of green in real life, but the photos don't capture it.

My temps are unfortunately staying in the low 80 F range. Would it be wise to add something like Silica Blast if I'm already going to be using Mega Crop?

I decided to germinate my last seed, but I'm taking a more hands off approach this time. I put in a moist paper towel in a ziplock bag, and I put that in a small pouch for a 3DS inside of my tent where it's warm. I'll check back in 2.5 days. These seeds seem like slow starters, so I'm going to take my time.
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Coming up on 2 weeks now (3 days away) from planting in soil. Does she seem a little small?
