Badges, we don't need no stinking Badges...says cheech. I say, we as growers receive our own "Badges" every time we harvest, or when we see somebody get rocked on something we grew. now that is true "satisfaction", for me. however, that's one of the reasons that we post our threads on here...since many of us are "secret" growers, we kinda have a need to be appreciated by all of our piers here on AFN. happy grows to all.
Couldn't have said it better. Lol. I didn't come to this forum for badges or ranks. Not saying it wouldn't be nice to eventually get either, but that's def not why I'm here. I appreciate the fact that even though I don't have any badges ( which I wouldn't be able to see even if I had some due to tapatalk), just about everyone here knows who micro is and the fact any issues I have had with anyone on this site has been resolved quickly and PRIVATELY.
same thing with u Nelson. More people around here have probably noticed how great of a member you've been and the fact of how informative and educational your post have been. You don't need no stinkin badge or rank to prove that.