New Grower A badge for 1000 posts and maybe I year here as well

Wow I guess this isn't the place for me. I am out of here goodbye you all. I will go to a more democratic site.
This is exactly my point someone gave you a badge and it is probably well deserved but when you look at my site - no awards no nothing. I breed a lot of different home breeding. I plant more seeds each month than the average 10 people on this site. I probably grow a lot more plants than most of you do. I developed my own style of growing. I try to keep my posts interesting. I don't get any recognition or awards.

Just give me a little recognition for 1000 posts and maybe a badge when I have been active here for a year. Why not do you think it will hurt the quality of my posts. Hey maybe it will I don't know but why is that a problem for you. I really strongly disagree with your attitude about it. You don't mind saying it so neither do I.

This is exactly why a lot of sites disable rep and all other ranking criteria. Because it eventually results in people comparing themselves to someone else and and bad feelings and pissing matches ensue. My comments had nothing to do with you personally or the quality of your posts, and anyone who has been around here for a while knows that you're a heavy hitter when it comes to growing autos. I don't think your posts would change no matter what the ranking/badge system is. I am referring to post count chasers which exist on every forum. You may think that it doesn't matter, but as someone who has run much larger sites than AFN, I can assure you that it's bad for everyone when you've got people more concerned about their stats than they are being a contributor to the community. You are clearly not one of those people, and I apologize if my comments gave that impression.
I would get the like to post ratio badge and the successful grow badge but I'm not here for badges unless I've earned through the way the system here gives them. If they change it to that IDE be more then happy to except but as of now I've earned none. Hoping I can win this months BOM I got nom'd for and get that badge. That's somethig to be proud of. Tho I doubt it with how stiff the competition is here.
Wow I guess this isn't the place for me. I am out of here goodbye you all. I will go to a more democratic site.

oh come on, what your going to get bent out of shape over a simple thing like this, you must have a harder shell when dealing with forums, THIS place is real kind as compared to other forums, and that because of the moderating. period. good moderating makes a good forum, go spend some time at the Mr.Nice forums with 0% moderation...ruins it. and shanti is at the top IMO... your well liked here Nelson...
This is exactly my point someone gave you a badge and it is probably well deserved but when you look at my site - no awards no nothing. I breed a lot of different home breeding. I plant more seeds each month than the average 10 people on this site. I probably grow a lot more plants than most of you do. I developed my own style of growing. I try to keep my posts interesting. I don't get any recognition or awards.

Just give me a little recognition for 1000 posts and maybe a badge when I have been active here for a year. Why not do you think it will hurt the quality of my posts. Hey maybe it will I don't know but why is that a problem for you. I really strongly disagree with your attitude about it. You don't mind saying it so neither do I.

We were thinking about adding some different badges. In all honesty the mod ones were so people knew who to contact about info or problems with the site. The BOM winner is pretty self explanatory.

If it becomes some kind of dust up i'll just pull the whole bit.. Really makes no difference to me. It was put in place to help users.

How about some more suggestions instead of the negativity?

BTW..... This is a very democratic site. Because other users don't agree with your attitude your out?

When have you talked to any of the mods about a developer badge? It's not some secret club, if your working something you can have it.....? How do i know what your working if you don't share?
Badges, we don't need no stinking Badges...says cheech. I say, we as growers receive our own "Badges" every time we harvest, or when we see somebody get rocked on something we grew. now that is true "satisfaction", for me. however, that's one of the reasons that we post our threads on here...since many of us are "secret" growers, we kinda have a need to be appreciated by all of our piers here on AFN. happy grows to all.
I would get the like to post ratio badge and the successful grow badge but I'm not here for badges unless I've earned through the way the system here gives them. If they change it to that IDE be more then happy to except but as of now I've earned none. Hoping I can win this months BOM I got nom'd for and get that badge. That's somethig to be proud of. Tho I doubt it with how stiff the competition is here.
i do agree with andy, rank that can be gained from post counts leads to "forum whoring" If there is a rank and badge system is should be based on grow logs, contribution to quality posts that help the AFN community and contest winners.
Wow I guess this isn't the place for me. I am out of here goodbye you all. I will go to a more democratic site.

Nelson, buddy take my badge! Don't leave us though, i for one value your posts here and just took a peek at your most recent thread

You got a boss set up man

stay around nelson, i for one like reading your posts, learn from them and look forward to seeing how your bubbly tank auto grow turns out.
Grow, Post, Smile, Get Stoned, be happy, dont need badges....need grows and smoke

that's one of the greatest things about this site tho mellow, everybody giving their input is awesome. it's ok to help others out, even if you aren't "mr. Knowitall". i say it's better to have lots of different roads, as long as we arrive at the harvest! it's up to the individual, as far as which path you choose. so i say...keep on helpin, keep on postin. we all need good advice, and pointers...of course the new growers can learn from the veterans here, but also even the most seasoned growers can learn new tricks from a noobie. good grow vibes to all.
I think that's a cool idea. I also think that some people like me offer little or no advice simply because we are still learning and I always hated people who thought they knew everything.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I think going by grows is a great idea!

Forgive me, I am once again stoned! :bong: