New Grower 600W MH/HPS - DWC - Mephisto Fantasmo Express && Sweet 'n' Sour

Both are now on veg with a 1/4 bloom nutes and seem to be really liking it. pH is crazy solid which I attribute to them having everything they need and no sign of nute burn. I will add in some pHed water tomorrow and check ppms to plan for when I need to refeed, seems to be about every 4 days or so. Learning to scrog but it helps lower the height a lot and new growth is now so much more obvious. Some slight spotting on bottoms leaves but most of that is from the pH fluctuations earlier in the grow and I assume when they cannabalize as food got a little lower than idea. Either way both are growing fast and seem healthy and happy.

Pictures later but the grow is doing well. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is ready to be switched to bloom nutes only I noticed this as her water was down a lot but her ppms were up. This is the first time I have ever managed to push her like that so next nute change it will be straight bloom sched and until then I will just add water to help dilute and push her through a little, she is tough and no sign of burn or anything.

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is doing well still. Very bushy and I need her to grow about another inch so I can weave her just a little more even.

This grow is very enjoyable but I have some reflections at this point. 3.5gallons gets to be very annoying, I chase pH and the roots are now filling a lot of the pot. No way around it. I think I may invest in autopots and run them with biotabs that is super intriguing to me. Light is expensive! I figure cobs or maybe a CMH or something may be in my future. HPS is nice in the winter for heating up the area but it would be more cost efficient eventually to just a 315 or a cob with a heater.

Tonight I will push light to 100% and raise it, check pH and ppm which so far have been sitting very steady at around 6.0 or 6.2 and continue the scrog. As long as I remember I will get some more pictures up. Pictures are hard, I tend to forget when enjoying the ambience these ladies create.
Ok, I messed up on the pictures! A mixture of great hash and beautiful plants and I forgot! I will have some up to day or tomorow along with a switch for plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] to full flower nutes as her feeding has slowed down and pot#1 more of the same. Pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is feeding on about 300ppm per day and both are going through 2qts a day of water easily. They are thriving and looking great and I am trying for a nice even scrog to fill with bud. Plant [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has some white pre flowers showing too which is nice and she seems to be vegging a long time, maybe I stunted her in growth or maybe it is just the sweet n sour genetics and it being a bit less stable.

600W light is on and humidity is around 55-65% with the fan having to kick on more due to added heat. I have the light up high as I can seem to get it it with my badly thought out layout (changed orientation of the light)... Will update tomorrow hopefully but pH has been rock solid at 6.0 and a decline in nutes on pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] but I don't want to push her much further as she is already at 1200ppm. Pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] will be put on full strength bloom nutes as she has always been hungry and has been doing 1/2 strength with grow nutes as she was still stretching but had a lot of pre flowers also. Both plants are looking great. I am now trying to restrict my trips in to the garden to once a day for checkups and overlooks to minimize loss of environment and I think they do better without my fussing!

Looking to the future (says the man half way done with his first grow ahaha!) I am thinking autopots and biotabs, a lot less work and great results what is not to like?!
So when looking over my nute requirements I was concerned I was getting too close... Wellll that may have been true if I was running it ml per gallon, Foxfarms was calling for what I have been adding per gallon! Numbers were down a lot as well across the board so i upped all nutes by 5ml instead. Plants look happy and are doing well. Bud is coming really quickly and they are responding so well to the extra 150w (ie running at a full 600 HPS v 50% or 75%). Was kinda hoping they wouldn't to save on the 'lectric!

Canopy shot, it is basically done on pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] aka the one on the right. From now on it is mainly just letting her go with some minor adjustments here and there and removing any leaf that is blocking bud sites (within reason).

Pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] I was concerned she may be a male but I see those white hairs and am keeping an eye on her, Only reason I was worried is that she is still so solidly in veg but seed grown will always have some variances and truthfully I don't mind a long veg if she get's me to a long yield. May end up harvesting her sister first if her sister is ready first.

Pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] buds coming in great and she seems to be responding well. Is still stretching quite a bit and only minor adjustments from here.

Just noticed some slight blurring left in, Sorry about that I didn't catch it when i took the picture.. Lights were bright and I should have been wearing my eye pro..!
Nute change day, I am doing about 3 days between changes and they are thirsty! A gallon a day from pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and 3/4 of a gallon for pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] ! Will up nutes a bit again as they are still going through it so hard. Crazy stuff but they look amazing.
Sooo I am doing 3:3:2 and I did that in around 1200 including hydroguard for pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and in pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] We are now up to 2000... That is a lot. Hopefully I have not pushed too far but that is including the hydroguard and and the ~120 from the water. They have been hungry, Wish me luck!
Your girls are looking great! Well done! DWC is a challenge and you are killing it! :worship::thumbsup::slap:
Your girls are looking great! Well done! DWC is a challenge and you are killing it! :worship::thumbsup::slap:
Thanks so much, It is a serious learning experience and I feel like I will be waaayyyy better in my vegtable garden this year because of it! They are growing like... weeds! And my first rep, Thanks very much again! You were deffinitiyl one of my inspirations early on.
So I checked again today and all is going pretty great. They both drank about 2qts since yesterday, nute choices seemed to be good except I will have to add more to pot#1 soon I imagine. I added back in pHed water and both seem well. Crazy how fast and vigorous growth is at this point. To give an idea Pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is down 170ppm from yesterday and my pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] on the right the bloomer is down ~600 but I will not be running her any hotter than she is and she seems to be doing well regardless!

A little canopy shot to show you all, Nearly had an issue with a leaking humidifier (my fault) but all was resolved. No sign of flower really on pot#1 yet, I wonder if I got a photo variant or something? Won't be able to flip until pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is done anyways so either way a super long veg I guess!
A nice canopy shot. Things are pretty decently dialed in and I dropped the humidity and temp a little. Pot#1, aka the lady on the left is still not in flower? I am 85% sure she is not a he but I am concerned by the fact that she is still in flower. We are hitting week 7/8 right now and I am rather shocked?

Pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], I am starting with her just because I think she is doing well. She is a heavy feeder but beautifull. She smells strong and I just like everything about her. I have been pulling some fan leaves off to stop shading of budsights and insure plenty of air movement.

Pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] what can I say about her. She looks great and stout. I worry she could be a male or I have messed up somehow with her? I see some wisps for flowering coming in but I wonder is she a photo pheno or something else? I would appreciate any feedback and opinions on this if only to comfort! Do you guys see any possible male patters on her or am I just being crazy and running a less stable pheno and this is a byproduct of that?
