New Grower 600W MH/HPS - DWC - Mephisto Fantasmo Express && Sweet 'n' Sour

Thanks for the perspective guys, OK I will hold off a few days and see if they come in if not I will try the soak method and plant. Next grow I will most likely jump to that first as having a positive of "is this working" seems great.
Fantastic point on being to quick to act by the way!

Thanks guys
I can tell already that you will raise some happy plants, man! Gonna be smoking your own grown top shelf buds in a few weeks! Nothing like exhaling your own smoke, man, and knowing that you will never have to buy weed again! Liberating!


It is starting! Sooo I saw yesterday one plant just starting to poke out of the rooter and the other seed now popping too.What it took for me was to up temps slightly and humidity and before hand I was definitely not watering enough for a good germ. Lessons learned. Current humidity is around 65-70% and temp is 74-78F which is good VPD per chart. I up the humidity if I am going to be at work longer just to try to prevent dry out which seems to be successful. I will monitor it of course.

Plan is to let the little baby leaves level out and then transplant into the DWC set up with 1/4 nutes (maybe 1/8 actually, im cautious!) with the water up to the pot and spray the top to keep it damp under my MH 600W at 50% (so 300w). I did have to remove the seed helmet from the smaller one but it just came off super easily, it was ready! I expect by this time tomorrow I will have it transplanted, i do not want them to stretch to much but I also want to have them a little more mature before I move them? Thoughts on this? How long do you guys wait?



Took some inspiration from this video which I think I found on @davisgirl while perusing her grows (very inspirational) for next time, Either way it seems to be more in line with how you germ which I like the idea of a lot.
Looks like they are taking off! I like to transfer to dwc as soon as they’re up, but that’s just my preference. Plenty of ways to get it done.
Sorry for disapearing a few tech difficulties on the comp thankfully not on the grow!

@davisgirl I took your advice that very evening and transplanted the girls, So far it all looks well!

The ladies planted in the tent:

Next Day:


So they got transplanted on the 29Jan, and I was very cautios. I gave them a little less than 1/4 nutes which came up to +105PPM in the water. Water is up to bottom of pots and I spray the stones on top and the walls as much as I can throughout the day to keep humidity up. I am running foxfarms organic nutes + hydroguard also. A little hard to keep humidity above 50-55% in tent but I am doing what I can. Temps are all good hovering around 72-79F. They seem to be doing well and are sitting under a 600w light @ 50% so ~300W . I am kinda shocked how little my PH moved after I added nutes and hydroguard. My ph is being measured by a GH pH chemical meausing kit. Some day I will go electric but not until I get a grow done hopefully and I want to make sure I get a decent meter. Girls seem happy to me right now and seem to be growing well.

Before After
PH ~6.0 ~6.0-6.25
PPM 105 210
Excellent. Great job. Keep working on that humidity. Now, start checking for a root poking out from underneath. Once you see one, stop watering from the top.
Great job keeping that humidity under control. I’ve got the NLs in full on flower with my babies now and 55% is my sweet spot, it’s a struggle staying there.
I have two 5-gallon buckets filled with water and open, I am interested to check the PPM on that versus the water fresh from the tap. Those buckets add to humidify and also as a heat store once the water inside warms up. I spray the walls as well on the regular as well as the hydroton in the buckets. So far it is working decently. Just willing the plants to drop those roots hahah!