New Grower 600W MH/HPS - DWC - Mephisto Fantasmo Express && Sweet 'n' Sour

hang up a tee shirt or towel with the bottom dipped in the bucket.wicking action/more surface area with the fan on it more/quicker evaporating=higher RH.all theory ofcourse im an eejit that lives in a cold place.
keep er lit.
Roots have not touched down yet but they are growing. I lowered the light some and they are responding very well to that. One girl looks like she is having issues from perhaps low nutes or overwatering.. I added 1/4 nute solution to the spray bottle and am going a little easier on watering.


The girl with the slight yellowing, I am watering a little less and I am top feeding with water and 1/4 nute solution to try and rectify this. It could also be just stress as I did knock her pretty hard accidentally one evening when checking on them...


As always all insight is appreciated!
11b, I was going to ask how far away the lights were, but saw where you already lowered. How far are they now from the light. They are a little stretchy, especially the second pic. Do you have a fan blowing in the tent, gently on the plants? I find that helps with creating sturdier stems and stalks. I also saw where you upped the nutes a bit. I think that will help with the discoloration.
Lights are pretty close now, It is a 300w (600 @ 50%) about 15" from plant. Still comfortable for them from the 'hand test'. I don't have a fan running right now.. The second one was stretchy from the get-go because I was slow getting it under a light to begin with..!
The fan... I have mixed emotions because I am trying and struggling to keep my humidity up to begin with I worry that the fan will do more harm than good. Best case I would invest in a humidifier but funds are a little tight right now, Something for me to think on. I will try the fan and keep an eye on it and see what is up. I am not worried about the stretch too much yet as once the roots hit water they should stouten up I think. Thanks for the insight @Iriee Vibez :)
Hey 11b, that all makes sense to me, bro! Just keep listening to the plants, man. They will let you know what they need. You are in for a fun ride!
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Still no roots in water but they still look good! The little markings seem to be getting lesser or she is getting larger and outgrowing them so I think the top feeding with a little more nutes and all the stuff I did before worked. I have sourced a humidifier and I am currently playing with it on a timer to get to that good VPD level. it does not have auto trigger or anything like that, a bit of playing with it and I am sure I will have my VPD perfect. Also am back on this account after our lovely admins recovered it for me. I could be wrong on this but the ladies just seemed happier when I checked on them today.... I don't know!


Looking good, 11b! It may be the lighting, but the plant in the last picture appears to have some yellowing in the leaves, which may be an N deficiency, or ph issue. What do you see in natural light?

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Some yellowing for sure, She is not as pale in real life though. I had initially thought it was a nute defficincy or overwatering (still top feeding until roots hit). It is growing better now and there does not seem to any new yellowing so I think it is OK.. pH seems fine but they will get a res change in the next few days as well.

That little plant also got a few knocks from me and was left reaching for the light when first sprouted.... She has had it a little tougher than the other girl. I will continue to watch but would you say that the fact that she is growing well and there is no new yellowing that the problem has been mostly dealt with?
I have a RAM humidifier with no ability to set a % - it simply has a dial to increase the amount it releases.
Was a pain in the ass to try and get right, so I got one of these
Works perfectly and now allows me to keep the RH% within a 2% range.
I have a RAM humidifier with no ability to set a % - it simply has a dial to increase the amount it releases.
Was a pain in the ass to try and get right, so I got one of these
Works perfectly and now allows me to keep the RH% within a 2% range.
Hahah I run one of these for temp. I love that actually! Right now we have been struggling with humidity in the house at around 10% the tent I have up to ~45% and I want it closer to 55%. I am holding off on doing anything for the environment to stablize a little in that way. I will probably pick something like that up eventually. The plan is currently to put the humidifier on a timer and run it or keep it free running how it is and see how it does. After a few days it is actually doing great free running.