Outdoor 6 x Mandala Safari Mix (Photo, Reg)

That was kind of the plan... Can vacuum bag, wash with soap and water, and vacuum bag again, so I hear....
Though, some say not to put in coffee or other things with strong odors, in case that itself attracts attention.
Still thinking it over... Thanks for the tips!
Maybe vacuum seal, wash, vacuum seal over it, spray some perfume and vacuum bag it a third time over? I'd do that, then place in a bubble envelope wrapped in a shirt or something like that. If it's domestic, you're probably ok.

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The weekend so far has just been more rain....

In the last 2 weeks, over 180mm = 7" of rain, and barely any sunshine.
Not the ideal end to a flowering period....
And forecast for more of the same.

Need to check her soon, see how she's doing.
Will prob cut soon.
Weather here has been pretty awful, too! [emoji53]

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Day 77 (Day 21 veg + Day 56 bloom) - Mandala Safari

Some photos of Female [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] - Hybrid / Sativa pheno

20170529 Mandala 1 + Mandala 2 Seeds (4).jpg

She's just a little lady. About 60cm = 24" tops.

20170529 Mandala 1 + Mandala 2 Seeds (3).jpg

Up top.

20170529 Mandala 1 + Mandala 2 Seeds (2).jpg

In the middle.

20170529 Mandala 1 + Mandala 2 Seeds (1).jpg

Tiny bit of bud rot coming on.
Not surprising -- last 2 weeks rained every day.
About 8" = 200mm + in this time.
Humidity about 90% +.

This lady will come down in the next couple of days.

Thought I also had dome of the seeds from the Female [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] - Indica / Afghanica pheno.
But now lost the photos. About 25 nice mature seeds.
More were immature. I ate them with my cereal for breakfast!!!!

Love and hugs,
Yeah, it does. Imagining how big they would have flowered if sunshine and no rain....
But, at least they made it this far, better than last autumn.....
We need better weather! I'm suffering from SAD in the middle of freaking spring! [emoji43]

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It's dreary and rainy up here too. -_- Bud rot sucks.

How are your's going, @EnkiTheBarbarian ?
All the plants I've pulled down this season have at least a little bit of bud rot.
It's been just a tiny amount, though.
Lose about 2%-5% of total only.


I'm going to try to cut down Female [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] later today.
Weather is okay for a change. A tiny bit of sun. Rain for later though.

Meanwhile, some seeds from Ms. Female [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] - Indica / Afghanica lady.
20170524 Mandala 2 Seeds.jpg

Happy growing AFNers!
Love and hugs,