Extraction 6 Ton DIY Rosin Press

I think you could bend the frame with 12 tons of pressure; you could probably get away with 8 ton. I get more than enough squeeze on my 3x5 plates. Might be able to go up to 4x6 plates but I just don't need the volume.
Thanks, that's what I was worried about. Trying to decide between 6 and 12 ton press. Will you get any more rosin with a 12 ton vs 6 ton that's is the question?
Thanks, that's what I was worried about. Trying to decide between 6 and 12 ton press. Will you get any more rosin with a 12 ton vs 6 ton that's is the question?
Using the same size plates 3x5 with the same volume of material - no. I do not even need all of the pressure available on the 6 ton jack. The starting material and temperature affect volume the most after you have enough pressure. Some strains produce higher volume than others no matter what the pressure or temperature. A good producing strain will have a higher volume at higher temperature but I think you are just getting more waxes and less terpenes the higher you go. The best flavored rosin is produced ~ 180°F lower yield; the best balance for yield and flavor IMHO is ~ 210°F. Pressing hotter than that tastes burnt to me. When I press for vaping I use 180°F for my chocolates I use 210°F.
Using the same size plates 3x5 with the same volume of material - no. I do not even need all of the pressure available on the 6 ton jack. The starting material and temperature affect volume the most after you have enough pressure. Some strains produce higher volume than others no matter what the pressure or temperature. A good producing strain will have a higher volume at higher temperature but I think you are just getting more waxes and less terpenes the higher you go. The best flavored rosin is produced ~ 180°F lower yield; the best balance for yield and flavor IMHO is ~ 210°F. Pressing hotter than that tastes burnt to me. When I press for vaping I use 180°F for my chocolates I use 210°F.
Maybe I'll just go with the 6 ton then, could spend the extra money on seeds lol.
Using the same size plates 3x5 with the same volume of material - no. I do not even need all of the pressure available on the 6 ton jack. The starting material and temperature affect volume the most after you have enough pressure. Some strains produce higher volume than others no matter what the pressure or temperature. A good producing strain will have a higher volume at higher temperature but I think you are just getting more waxes and less terpenes the higher you go. The best flavored rosin is produced ~ 180°F lower yield; the best balance for yield and flavor IMHO is ~ 210°F. Pressing hotter than that tastes burnt to me. When I press for vaping I use 180°F for my chocolates I use 210°F.
Great info, thanks for your work and this data. Happy New Year.
Ok @Mañ'O'Green you got a lab partner now! Plates just were delivered next door! Should have my press either tomorrow or Tuesday. Just harvested a 234g GG4 from Fastbuds, but it hermied on me so been pressing most of it. But now I can experiment lol. Down for the good of every rosin maker so we can get some solid result on temps and times. Looking at same press as you so we can have a consistent press. Plates are also 3x5 so fairly consistent. I'll let you know when I'm up and running!
Ok @Mañ'O'Green you got a lab partner now! Plates just were delivered next door! Should have my press either tomorrow or Tuesday. Just harvested a 234g GG4 from Fastbuds, but it hermied on me so been pressing most of it. But now I can experiment lol. Down for the good of every rosin maker so we can get some solid result on temps and times. Looking at same press as you so we can have a consistent press. Plates are also 3x5 so fairly consistent. I'll let you know when I'm up and running!
My chocolates were such a big hit over Christmas I became the favored Elf at all of the parties. I am headed to the press now to make a new supply so I can be the favored "Father Time" tonight. If it goes according to plan I will press NYC Diesel, Green Crack, The Incredible Bulk and Blueberry to make 4 different chocolate bars. I just love the fact that I will not have a hangover tomorrow:yay:.
Well I got'er done. been licking my fingers so hard to think or type. Pressed almost 2 oz. made 200 - 20 mg. doses. Jeez............ I am tired how will I ever make it to midnight. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: like I have for the past ten years - set the alarm :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.
@Mañ'O'Green having a little issue with plates. Set to 190f, but laser thermometer says in 80"s although they feel much hoter than the 80's. The non-contact side reads in the 130's. No sure which is wrong lol. How long should it take for plates to heat up? I didn't get any instructions with kit so not sure if I'm doing something wrong. Put heating elements in, and screwed them in. Turned to 190 and took temp. Raised to 250 and pressed some by standing on it and it worked. Maybe laser is bad lol.