Extraction 6 Ton DIY Rosin Press

Finally got the chocolate made. Such an easy recipe too. The hard part is making the rosin.

I took a 1/4 piece (which worked about to about 10mg of rosin) and it wasn't enough. Took another 1/4 3 hours after the first. So this isn't ideal. Tonight I'll eat a 1/2 piece at the start and see how that goes. I'm going to wait a couple of days and more dosage experiments at night before I comment on the effectiveness of it. But I can say it's easy to make. And you can taste the rosin quite easily when you eat the chocolate which is a real bonus.

This is the recipe I used as per @Mañ'O'Green who is one awesome rosineer! Thanks bro. Really appreciate it.

1.5g rosin
1.5g cocoa butter
2 tsp. Sunflower Lecithin
4.5 oz. chocolate bar

Decarb the rosin and cocoa butter for 27 minutes ~ 252°F. While decarbing melt the chocolate in a double boiler over hot water (not boiling). Stir in the lecithin and then the decarbed rosin mixture. Stir really well then pour in a mold and chill. Enjoy.

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Ps. isn't the flavor awesome. I just always let the piece melt in my mouth to savor the flavor.
@Son of Hobbes was asking for pictures last time and it was already in the chocolate. I pressed some Monster Profit and Blue Brilliant today. Both are good producers at ~12%. Here are some pictures:

Looks awesome. Not too syrupy or sappy or shattery. What temp did you press at?
99°C / 210°F for ~ 2 minutes. It gets a little dark at this temperature but it yields the best for me. Since it is going in chocolate the color is irrelevant.