New Grower 4x Hubbabubbasmelloscope, 2x Mars 2 700W, Soil, Fox Farms Nutes

Still growing away. Thickening up daily. This is day 57.
You growing some monster plants, keep going to day 80 minimum and you see them exploding ....
I got at the moment some think different at day 57 and they look ready, but if I chop them now I propobly loose half of the weight and the potency would be half what I would get at day 85, so I intent to keep them going even though I am out of smoke . So as painfull the wait is , it is worth it ....
Yea my oven and microwave got good use lol I under fed my girls and got a huge deficiency during their main stretch period and ended up with some short stocky Lil girls. Very happy though. Sticking with ff for now. Have u introduced the solubles yet?