New Grower 4x Hubbabubbasmelloscope, 2x Mars 2 700W, Soil, Fox Farms Nutes

@Doug25 these girls are looking awesome, how about you pick the best of the bunch and get a good photo of her on her own cause i'd love to nom you for the bom comp, final pics don't need to be in until the 24th you'll have an even better final picture by then! what say you?
Here's a couple, you can see how they're kinda burnt-looking still...Hey Sang thanks for the rep buddy, but I don't know that these are worthy of your nom, decide.

If these aren't good enough, that's ok, man, there's always a next time. I'm getting better every day...thanks to everyone here.
@Doug25 your being way too hard on yourself! these are a great bunch of plants a little tip burn is no big deal, im going to nom you tonight and you still have more than 2 weeks to take a final pic when they've beefed up. they should be about 65ish days old by the 25th of this month
About to go out to eat but I want to read this whole thing and sub in if you don't mind. I'm just finishing up my first grow now and I used the FF trio but didn't have the opportunity to use the rest of the line. I'm very interested in using it all and the bud enhancers. Was thinking of buying this boxmyself. Hope you don't mind me here lol
Hey discrete glad to have you. I like the dirty dozen from ff, just go really slow. Next grow I'm gonna max out at about 80 percent. Strong stuff. I used everything according to their schedule, minus the foliar I only used twice. When I burnt the piss out of them, I dropped back to 80 percent. I just ramped up to full strength too soon. Hey sang thanks man. These all smell just fantastic. I'm really looking forward to harvest time.
Yeah I haven't got my feeding down at all. It was a struggle the whole way through till the last couple weeks here. Just finishing up my first grow. Harvested one and supposed to drop the other three in 9 days but I just blew my ballast like 15 minutes ago and if I can't get this solved tonight and a light going in there they may get an early chop...I'm curious how the powdered bud enhancers are going to work for you. I'm most interested in those