New Grower 4x Hubbabubbasmelloscope, 2x Mars 2 700W, Soil, Fox Farms Nutes

Thanks sang, yeah man that might have been what burnt me the first time...I ramped up my nutes too early...and then sprayed full strength. Oh well, they're looking good other than pretty serious burnt tips, and that is straightening out. The new, tiny bud leaves look beautiful. And they all smell great. All are now 22-25 inches tall. Buds looking chunkier every day. Next round is 6 Sweet Seeds...from a mix of 10. But I still have 10 hbss and 7 Walter I'll do better next time. Peace.
Update day 51. (Must have slept through day 50) Still looking much better every day. Buds are starting to thicken up, and all are smelling just fantastic. All are between 22-26". Still at about 75% Nute strength. NOT using the foliar feed part of the ff lineup, otherwise everything is exactly at ff feeding schedule, just at 3/4 strength. Couple pics from just now...

Thanks for looking....Peace.