New Grower 4x Hubbabubbasmelloscope, 2x Mars 2 700W, Soil, Fox Farms Nutes

Very nice. A little over 9 oz. Still trying to figure out this drying/curing thing, though. As great as they smelled, it still kinda tastes like my neighbor's homegrown. (and all he smokes is leaves....yuch)
When you flushed your plants, how much water did you use? Did you just switch to giving them plain water instead of nutes or did you actually flush the pots well? Im no expert but if it were me, Id flush with about 2x the volume in water as there is soil in the pots initially, so for a 5 gallon pot, Id flush with 10 gallons of water to try to get a lot of the salts out of the soil. Also I think it would be better to not dump it all through at once, maybe half and wait an hour and run the other half through...
Thanks @thetreeman for the sugg. I've gotta try something...I think I screwed these up...helluva buzz, just not the best taste wise.
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Very nice. A little over 9 oz. Still trying to figure out this drying/curing thing, though. As great as they smelled, it still kinda tastes like my neighbor's homegrown. (and all he smokes is leaves....yuch)

I done the paper bag method for drying and it kept the smell in was a little harsh but I'm coming into 3 weeks of cure and had a little sample at 1 week and it was a lot better. I haven't opened the jars for 2 weeks so I'm hoping there will be the nice bubblegum aroma on Saturday