New Grower 4x Hubbabubbasmelloscope, 2x Mars 2 700W, Soil, Fox Farms Nutes

You deserve it buddy. Just post that pic in the bom thread and tag waxi and say you want this as your final picture. Good luck with it mate
@sanguine hey buddy let's use photo 1. How can I get @Waximus to switch photos for me? Thanks man for all your help and growing inspiration. These all smell just amazing. Think im gonna throw a sleeping bag in there, turn off the fan, and go to sleep. Peace
Hey, Doug, I'll get pic #1 put up in the BOM, for you.
Here's a couple of the rest of the girls...less than two weeks to go...Plain water now...lotsa chunky buds...
This is the main cola from the BOM/POM plant. Thanks for looking...Peace
I kinda cut off her head. Oh well.
DAY 70 UPDATE. 10 days to go....Yippeeeeeee All 4 still smell amazing, all ended up at between 27-30" tall. I would almost say I have 3 different phenos, they smell a little different, and look a little different. I'm gonna bag/jar them separately so I can tell. Thanks for looking, and all the good karma...