New Grower 4x Hubbabubbasmelloscope, 2x Mars 2 700W, Soil, Fox Farms Nutes

@sanguine hey buddy I'm gonna pull her out of the tent Sunday and I'll get the best pics I can. Then we'll figure out which to use for the bom. Thanks again man for the nom, but have you seen the other plants, man? Holy shit. There's even a friggin' blue one. Man. Beautiful. Loving this whole growing deal...and saving a shit load of money.
Yea mate there are some real awesome plants, but yours is up there with the best. In this very section autoflower academy theres a thread stickied at the top. Its called taking bom worthy pics. Have a read through it too. Looking forward to sundays pics dude
Picture update for the bom/pom nomination. Thanks again @sanguine . Took a couple leaves off, but didn't know how much I could defoliate without harming the plant for the next week or so... Harvest is T-12 days and counting. Ended up being about 27" tall, with all 4 between 27-30" tall. Very pleased with overall potential harvest. The buds are so chunky, the branches are just on the edge of not holding the fat buds up...
Looking really awesome, photos 1 and 4 look made for the bom gallery
+rep again for beautiful plants dude
@sanguine hey buddy let's use photo 1. How can I get @Waximus to switch photos for me? Thanks man for all your help and growing inspiration. These all smell just amazing. Think im gonna throw a sleeping bag in there, turn off the fan, and go to sleep. Peace