Sweet Seeds 4d-Rock's Black Cream Autos

I did end up adding some soil up to brace the stem. It’s getting pretty stiff now so I’m not worried. Though it’s getting to the point where I won’t be able to fold over for LST. Might still consider topping...we’ll see.

Also, I’ve got the lights almost to the top, I’ll bring em up the last bit though. We’ll see how tall these ones get.

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll ask more questions as I go I’m sure!

Cool, thanks. I’ve got a decent ph meter and check all my water and feed going in. I wondered though, Cal/mag usually is uptaken at higher pH in soils. Is going this low an issue for uptake for Promix?
You will be fine, I use pro mix too usually. That's the optimal range for pro mix, so that will give best over all absorption of nutrients. I use R/O water which has none so I need to add calmag. Also if you're using coco it will need added calmag. I heard that cob led lights will also require more calmag as well, but not sure if that's true. If your ph is correct and you dont over or under do it on calmag your good. A lot of deficiencies or toxicities are from incorrect ph. When your ph is off you can have lockout. That's when things go bad, so chech your ph. Also be careful Potassium deficiency can be confused with calmag. I use 2.0g of Greenleaf calmag per gal of water.
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im not sure of the science behind it.but dwc/coco growers traditionaly use more cal/mag than soil growers.lower ph range but using more cal/mag kinda evens itself out.
good luck n keep er lit
Hmm, interesting. So would you recommend I start using CaliMagic as part of the regular feeing as opposed to waiting until I start seeing signs of deficiency?
yep if your medium leans more on the coco side ph than regular soil ph range.
some hints n tips from blue :pass:

Great, thanks!

So I just made up a new batch of feed. Starting water is 40ppm, I added about 100ppm of CalMag, then 1g/gal Sweet Candy and 2g/gal Megacrop. Total of 525ppm at 5.9pH.

Sound like a good strength for day 18?
hmm kinda outside my comfort zone :shrug: being a simple soil grower thats used the same soil n nutes forever.
they lookin good :thumbsup: coco is a calmag magnet,and likes a lower ph.as for the finer details of ppm's,id only be guessing.
the greenleaf feeding page
some big guns using greenleaf Dabber F.N :pass:
good luck n keep er lit
Great, thanks!

So I just made up a new batch of feed. Starting water is 40ppm, I added about 100ppm of CalMag, then 1g/gal Sweet Candy and 2g/gal Megacrop. Total of 525ppm at 5.9pH.

Sound like a good strength for day 18?
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What formula are you using
What formula are you using

I believe I have the V.2 formula. For this Grow I also made a 250ml concentrate with 25g to reduce exposure to the dust and be more uniform at lower doses. So far seems kinda convenient.
I ended up going ahead and feeding the mix that I had mentioned above. Things are moving along alright so far. I've had 2 feeds to runoff so far, but since they are both so small, it's around 4-5 days between waterings. I know that's likely a bit more than ideal, but hopefully that should change as they start stretching out a bit.

Here they are on day 19 just before the feed.

They are both working on their 5th/6th node. Whatcha think, should I go for topping between the 5th and 6th (should be able to get scissors between them by this evening or tomorrow? I'm limited for vertical height, so I should probably do some LST at minimum, but I like the symmetry of topping. Any of the LST I've done without topping has ended up pretty uneven and weird. Might have to do more reading on that one.