Indoor 420'z NL Grow :-)

weekly picture show! :biggrin:

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yup, we finally have preflower! :woohoo: but hey, ya gotta remember, this is an old NL steam engine, so... :rolleyes2: the above picz were taken last nite, which was day 45 for Harli, and as u can see by the ruler pic, she'z now officially a footer, yay! :clapper: :cooldance: also did a wee bit of defol after the picz, and me lighting setup is still a diy work in progress, lol, but comin together slow but sure :thumbsup: in the meantime, me slowly swappin out the 6500k bulbz for 2700k to set em up for flowering :idea:

that'z it kidz...hope everybody had a great weekend, and -> :note: ppp
i found your thread buzzing pal your ladies are now in my fav phase i love watching them mature big and beautiful im subbed up along for the ride my friend
i found your thread buzzing pal your ladies are now in my fav phase i love watching them mature big and beautiful im subbed up along for the ride my friend

hey tom, welcome aboard! :thumbsup: me luv this phaze toooooo! :biggrin: ppp
The Girlz - Day 51
ok, sunday evening cinema time! :coffee:

the girlz Day 51...




boy, what an interesting contrast theze two have turned out to be, lol :rofl: for quite a while there, Harli was me lil bushgirl, while Teresa sloooowly grew alongside, but now, almost before me eyez, Teresa'z the one that'z turned into a total wild child! :doh: i mean, Harli is still an inch taller & has more bud sitez, but still, Teresa is def takin off for partz unknown now, haha, whew! :headbang: they're still takin their good ol' sweet NL time about thingz, lol, but it'z all good & that'z the latest kidz! :thumbsup: ppp
Hope there is enough room on this party bus for one more?! Love your writing style and energy. Subbed(Once I figure how to do that) :headbang::cools:


um, psst, this is a train, not a bus...*choo-choooo!*...and yup, plenty o' room, so climb on aboard! :smoking: drinkz & snackz are in Car 11 ;) and by gawd, ur gettin a :slap: for bein the first & only person to ever actually compliment my writing style, haha! :rofl: :bow: take that everybody! :cooldance: ppp

p.s. subbing into a thread is ez -> once u post in any thread, the system watchez that thread for u from that point on & u'll automatically receive notif'z any time any post is made in it by anybody ;)
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um, psst, this is a train, not a bus...*choo-choooo!*...and yup, plenty o' room, so climb on aboard! :smoking: drinkz & snackz are in Car 11 ;) and by gawd, ur gettin a :slap: for bein the first & only person to ever actually compliment my writing style, haha! :rofl: :bow: take that everybody! :cooldance: ppp

p.s. subbing into a thread is ez -> once u post in any thread, the system watchez that thread for u from that point on & u'll automatically receive notif'z any time any post is made in it by anybody ;)
Yeah what he said
Just into my favourite part of the grow.. watching those flowers grow.
Really nice work brother