Indoor 420'z NL Grow :-)

The Girlz - Day 31
ok kidz, it'z pistil picture time! :shooty: :yay: :woohoo:

Harli Day 32 (8-1/2" tall)...




Teresa Day 30 (7" tall)...



and, the twin shotz...



yup, strap in kidz, cuz good ol' Engine No.420 is def pickin up steam now, choo-choooo!! :cooldance: :woohoo1: ppp :smoking:
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Its looking good so far! :cheers: Congrats! :d5:
NLRR Engine No.420 Has Left The Station!! :yay:

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Harli, Day 1

O-o-o-okay kidz, yup, the train has left the station, and just in time for the Highday Solstice :woohoo: as me was sooooo hopin would work out :biggrin: See, me got a couple theoriez in me back pocket, and all this started with the full moon phaze earlier this week, and.....well, first thingz first...

First, before I start typin out war & peace here (lol, ya, it'z gonna be a loooong one, so grab yer bongz & munchiez :pop:), I jus wanna express heartfelt appreciation & gratitude for both AFN & all the great peepz I've met in here so far :toke: I jus joined a week ago today, and have already picked up a wealth of info, and...well, I'm jus really glad this place is here (downtimez aside, ahem), blahblahblah. Oh, and :thanks: to one & all for all the likez & to @Free Flow @Frankthetank @MissUniverse @RivetGrrl for the repz:thumbsup: :thanks:

Soooo, where to start, lol. Well, truth be told, this will only be my second grow...the first was also a NL auto about 5 yrz ago...just a single plant that didn't get big at all & low yield, but only cuz of all the rookie mistakez I made, lol, and hopefully, this time will do better. So technically, I'm not a new grower, but am def still on the low rungz of the growing ladder...but, I also luv nature, seeing new life emerge, learning new thingz, etc, so growin to me is jus plain fun, and I look forward to havin u guyz ride along with me on this :thumbsup:

Secondly, I'm jus growin for health, not wealth...jus wanna be able to support me own personal medicine & all is good. I was on opiatez (morphine, oxycodone) for 10 yrz, along with a couple other medz, and long story short, got off all that shit 5 yrz ago, was lucky enuff to have met a great, steady "source" along the same time, and thus, started self medicating with weed every damn day & have never felt proof that all u need -> is weed :thumbsup: For thoze that don't already know, I'm in Missouri, USA, and they finally passed medical here last Nov, and we can grow up to 6 plantz, so even tho I meself am not quite "legal" yet, lol, it was the only excuse i needed to get into growin again, and I'm def lookin forward to it. I plan to do staggered growz in a rotation, so hopefully, I'll be cuttin one down every 5-6 wkz, and if I even get an oz per, that'll suit me jus fine & me will be a happee camper, ty :smoking:

Thirdly, in re to growin, I've alwayz been a let-it-grow-naturally type, alwayz thinkin "what would it be doin out there, in the wild-?" U guyz will probly hate me, lol, but I just ain't a fan of all the nutez, additivez, jus wanna KISS...plenty of light, good soil, and water em a couple timez a week, haha :smokeit: I do however wanna try toppin & some LST, as I've never done either...hell, even thinkin bout a microgrow in a 1/2 gal pot, jus fer sumthin to do, haha. But seriously, one thing I fully believe in & abide by is that Nature knowz best, and I jus wanna keep it all as natural as possible is all :shrug:

Fourthly (is that even a word :confused1:), I live in a reallllly small place, with an even smaller grow area, so 2-3 plantz topz is all I can do (and i guarantee that one will alwayz be a NL :biggrin:). The space I'm growin in is basically an old free-standing metal wardrobe clozet with sliding doorz that I cleared out for growing purposez...and yeah, as well as for a bit of stealth. The full size is 22x42", but currently, I'm only able to have 22x30" of it, but it'z good enuff to start out in with two plantz. There'z an upper shelf inside that I got the light hangin from & is 57" from the floor, but with the light, that dropz it to 48", not a lotta room, lol. Will try & get a pic or two of it put up later on.

And lastly, the namez of me girlz are Harli & Teresa. Harli is in memory of an online buddy'z cat that he lost to the big C this past Monday, RIP, and Teresa is in memory of a longtime stoner neighbor-friend who passed back in April, also from the big C, RIP. Teresa won't be up for a few dayz yet probly, cuz she went straight into the dirt, as oppozed to germing.

Annnnd, the particularz...(need to get this wrapped up before the site crashez...again)

Seedz: NL autoz from Crop King Seeds (Canada)
Light: 1000w full white (w/red added) LED from ONEO (200w from the wall) it for $90 on Amazon (can provide link)
Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest, nothing added, but did make a cereal bowl size depression in potz with a more neutral soil for beanz to start out in (jus peat moss, wood shavingz, recycled green waste & perlite)
Potz: jus reg 2-1/2 gal plastic w/xtra drainage holez added
Light cycle: 18/6, with dark time from noon to 6pm (cuz of summer)
Water: Distilled w/molassez, and/or rainwater (both left out to sit at least 24 hrz)

Think that'z about it for now. Hope u guyz enjoy the ride as much as I will & any/all input is welcome alwayz :toke: Let'z get to growin shall we-? Choo-Choo!! :biggrin:

PPP & Up The Ironz! :headbang:

NLRR Engine No.420 Has Left The Station!! :yay:

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Harli, Day 1

O-o-o-okay kidz, yup, the train has left the station, and just in time for the Highday Solstice :woohoo: as me was sooooo hopin would work out :biggrin: See, me got a couple theoriez in me back pocket, and all this started with the full moon phaze earlier this week, and.....well, first thingz first...

First, before I start typin out war & peace here (lol, ya, it'z gonna be a loooong one, so grab yer bongz & munchiez :pop:), I jus wanna express heartfelt appreciation & gratitude for both AFN & all the great peepz I've met in here so far :toke: I jus joined a week ago today, and have already picked up a wealth of info, and...well, I'm jus really glad this place is here (downtimez aside, ahem), blahblahblah. Oh, and :thanks: to one & all for all the likez & to @Free Flow @Frankthetank @MissUniverse @RivetGrrl for the repz:thumbsup: :thanks:

Soooo, where to start, lol. Well, truth be told, this will only be my second grow...the first was also a NL auto about 5 yrz ago...just a single plant that didn't get big at all & low yield, but only cuz of all the rookie mistakez I made, lol, and hopefully, this time will do better. So technically, I'm not a new grower, but am def still on the low rungz of the growing ladder...but, I also luv nature, seeing new life emerge, learning new thingz, etc, so growin to me is jus plain fun, and I look forward to havin u guyz ride along with me on this :thumbsup:

Secondly, I'm jus growin for health, not wealth...jus wanna be able to support me own personal medicine & all is good. I was on opiatez (morphine, oxycodone) for 10 yrz, along with a couple other medz, and long story short, got off all that shit 5 yrz ago, was lucky enuff to have met a great, steady "source" along the same time, and thus, started self medicating with weed every damn day & have never felt proof that all u need -> is weed :thumbsup: For thoze that don't already know, I'm in Missouri, USA, and they finally passed medical here last Nov, and we can grow up to 6 plantz, so even tho I meself am not quite "legal" yet, lol, it was the only excuse i needed to get into growin again, and I'm def lookin forward to it. I plan to do staggered growz in a rotation, so hopefully, I'll be cuttin one down every 5-6 wkz, and if I even get an oz per, that'll suit me jus fine & me will be a happee camper, ty :smoking:

Thirdly, in re to growin, I've alwayz been a let-it-grow-naturally type, alwayz thinkin "what would it be doin out there, in the wild-?" U guyz will probly hate me, lol, but I just ain't a fan of all the nutez, additivez, jus wanna KISS...plenty of light, good soil, and water em a couple timez a week, haha :smokeit: I do however wanna try toppin & some LST, as I've never done either...hell, even thinkin bout a microgrow in a 1/2 gal pot, jus fer sumthin to do, haha. But seriously, one thing I fully believe in & abide by is that Nature knowz best, and I jus wanna keep it all as natural as possible is all :shrug:

Fourthly (is that even a word :confused1:), I live in a reallllly small place, with an even smaller grow area, so 2-3 plantz topz is all I can do (and i guarantee that one will alwayz be a NL :biggrin:). The space I'm growin in is basically an old free-standing metal wardrobe clozet with sliding doorz that I cleared out for growing purposez...and yeah, as well as for a bit of stealth. The full size is 22x42", but currently, I'm only able to have 22x30" of it, but it'z good enuff to start out in with two plantz. There'z an upper shelf inside that I got the light hangin from & is 57" from the floor, but with the light, that dropz it to 48", not a lotta room, lol. Will try & get a pic or two of it put up later on.

And lastly, the namez of me girlz are Harli & Teresa. Harli is in memory of an online buddy'z cat that he lost to the big C this past Monday, RIP, and Teresa is in memory of a longtime stoner neighbor-friend who passed back in April, also from the big C, RIP. Teresa won't be up for a few dayz yet probly, cuz she went straight into the dirt, as oppozed to germing.

Annnnd, the particularz...(need to get this wrapped up before the site crashez...again)

Seedz: NL autoz from Crop King Seeds (Canada)
Light: 1000w full white (w/red added) LED from ONEO (200w from the wall) it for $90 on Amazon (can provide link)
Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest, nothing added, but did make a cereal bowl size depression in potz with a more neutral soil for beanz to start out in (jus peat moss, wood shavingz, recycled green waste & perlite)
Potz: jus reg 2-1/2 gal plastic w/xtra drainage holez added
Light cycle: 18/6, with dark time from noon to 6pm (cuz of summer)
Water: Distilled w/molassez, and/or rainwater (both left out to sit at least 24 hrz)

Think that'z about it for now. Hope u guyz enjoy the ride as much as I will & any/all input is welcome alwayz :toke: Let'z get to growin shall we-? Choo-Choo!! :biggrin:

PPP & Up The Ironz! :headbang:


Cool....start of life that brings life...see where your first leaves come out and point straight up mine came out and pointed down and curled.:pop::greenthumb::weed:
ok kidz, it'z pistil picture time! :shooty: :yay: :woohoo:

Harli Day 32 (9" tall)...

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Teresa Day 30 (7" tall)...

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and, the twin shotz...

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yup, strap in kidz, cuz good ol' Engine No.420 is def pickin up steam now, choo-choooo!! :cooldance: :woohoo1: ppp :smoking:
Yo come check my gals out im fixin to post some pics of them! Looks good bro wishing you have a monster harvest!
Your girls are looking healthy, great job.
Misc info
jus poppin in with a couple notationz me didn't add las nite, cuz it was late & me was wantin to get to bed, lol :tongue: nothin major, jus some specz...:thumbsup:

Harli....:bow: man, me don't even where to start with her, haha! :rofl: me lil bush girl :biggrin: firstly, las nite'z pic of her was taken just before gettin yet another major haircut, which is damn near a daily occurence now, lol, and me don't even wanna think about what an even bigger bush she'd be at this point without all the trimmin theze past couple, it'z like little vietnam in there as it is! lmao :smoking: i lost count a few haircutz ago, but i know it'z had to be a few dozen leavez i've already snipped off, to which she respondz by jus growin more, haha! by my count, she'z now got 14 bud sitez goin, besidez her main cola...fourteen! :yoinks: she'z responded sooooo well to the lst i've given her, so i've got her circumference pretty much in it'z just a matter of keepin her eventual height in check...hopefully, far, i've been able to keep em both short & squat by keepin em jus a wee bit closer to the lightz than most probably would, but it fitz the ticket & they seem to be handlin it fine so far, so fingerz crossed ;)

Teresa....:rolleyes2: boy, ya jus gotta give it to dear Teresa, lol :clapper: needless to say, she'z had far less lst & trimmin than Harli, but she'z a downright trooperette, and has 10 bud sitez of her own, besidez main cola :woohoo1: she'z just so weird, haha :rofl: me shoulda known the jig was up when i planted her in the center of the pot, but sumhow, she sprouted at least an inch off center, lol...and from then on, the unbalancing act has prevailed :haha: like one of her lower branchez actually split into a "y", and is now two, and that sorta thing, lol...whew! :biggrin: but, me luv her to death, and with a little lst & snippin here & there, she at least lookz more or less "balanced" now, so...:thumbsup:

that'z it folkz :biggrin: stay happee, healthy & high, and have a great rest of this fine day! :smiley1: :greenthumb: ppp