Mephisto Genetics 420 Mephisto Grow Off: MAN BEAR ALIEN PIG EDITION

I had some early cal/mag issues so she's a bit small, day 10. Should I be concerned over the alge-esque green stuff growing on the perlite?

You def didn't have a calmag issue. The babies have all of the nutes they need in the coyteledon to last for two weeks. Also I wouldn't worry about the green stuff
You def didn't have a calmag issue. The babies have all of the nutes they need in the coyteledon to last for two weeks. Also I wouldn't worry about the green stuff
I wish I had a picture to post of the discolouration I noticed. The leaves went from dark greed to a pale/yellowing colour then I upped the cal mag and it went away.

I've heard of the seedlings natural food stores being more than enough to get them sorted during the first week so i was initially lax with the nutes but as I said I noticed a discolouration, that coupled with stuff I'd been reading about coco needed heavier cal/mag supplementation lead me to think I had a deficiency.

This is my first grow so I don't doubt that I'm jumping to conclusions and micromanaging too much haha I won't get answers to my questions if I don't ask, thanks for the reply! [emoji4]
Update on miss piggy came home from work last night to find one of my humboldtseeds ( sour diesel) had fallen on my mbap and practical topped her there is still some new growth popping up after setting me back about a week she was just on her second node and looking nice healthy from my neglect early on I'll put up a picture when get home later I'll be praying to the grow gods she pulls through ( fuck you al gore )
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I wish I had a picture to post of the discolouration I noticed. The leaves went from dark greed to a pale/yellowing colour then I upped the cal mag and it went away.

I've heard of the seedlings natural food stores being more than enough to get them sorted during the first week so i was initially lax with the nutes but as I said I noticed a discolouration, that coupled with stuff I'd been reading about coco needed heavier cal/mag supplementation lead me to think I had a deficiency.

This is my first grow so I don't doubt that I'm jumping to conclusions and micromanaging too much haha I won't get answers to my questions if I don't ask, thanks for the reply! [emoji4]

In coco, I use calmag and voodoo juice from the get go. Coco seems to take nutes and holds on to them, only excess nutes get released to the plants. Glad she greened up for you.
I wish I had a picture to post of the discolouration I noticed. The leaves went from dark greed to a pale/yellowing colour then I upped the cal mag and it went away.

I've heard of the seedlings natural food stores being more than enough to get them sorted during the first week so i was initially lax with the nutes but as I said I noticed a discolouration, that coupled with stuff I'd been reading about coco needed heavier cal/mag supplementation lead me to think I had a deficiency.

This is my first grow so I don't doubt that I'm jumping to conclusions and micromanaging too much haha I won't get answers to my questions if I don't ask, thanks for the reply! [emoji4]

It is all good my friend, that's why we are here. I think I may have come off a little abrasive, I'm sorry if I sounded asshatish lol. I responded to that earlier without doing a dab and that just throws me all off kilter. Much hugs

Most likely your baby was just thirsty, when you added the calmag I'm guessing you watered as well so they most likely responded to the aqua. But honestly I am just glad whatever you did got your babies happy that's the only thing that matters in the end happy healthy babehs.
Update on miss piggy came home from work last night to find one of my humboldtseeds ( sour diesel) had fallen on my mbap and practical topped her there is still some new growth popping up after setting me back about a week she was just on her second node and looking nice healthy from my neglect early on I'll put up a picture when get home later I'll be praying to the grow gods she pulls though ( fuck you al gore )
You should be fine. I bet she pulls right on through. And may even get a good dose of act right lol you know sometimes you have to yell at em and bend em over to get them to listen hahahaha. As my friend @Yeatster said in the HBBSS grow off when he was lagging behind. "I am going to go upstairs and yell at her for underperforming" lmao