Mephisto Genetics 420 Mephisto Grow Off: MAN BEAR ALIEN PIG EDITION

Hey guys we're going to have to lock this thread down temporarily to get a few things straightened out with the OP. Contests on AFN need to approved by our staff, it's one thing to have a friendly grow off with a buddy, but we don't allow unsolicited competitions by members that involve potential prizes. I'm sure it was just a mix up, but we follow rules and procedures for a reason (and it's usually to keep people safe.)

We'll be back soon with an update!
Alright, we've had a chit. We've had a chat. Some might call it a chit-chat. But we're good to go and we're going to LET 'ER ROLL!

The prize will be bragging rights and we're going to try to con @Rebel into making a special edition badge for the grow off! Unfortunately since it's not an AFN sponsored event (and Derek didn't ask before hand or we probably would have helped throw down (naughty naughty, everyone spank Derek when you get a chance (and not in the way he likes it,)) we'll have to leave any additional prizes in the hands of @mephisto !

Appreciate the consideration everyone, thank you for patience, and grow on! :hookah::vibe::smokeout::shooty:
No worries brah, now we know.:face:
Hope a virtual spanking will do @Son of Hobbes :naughtystep:
Thanks for letting us play.:headbang:

I am happy with bragging rights, and some kind Mephisto buds to boot.:vibe:

Right that is what I am sayin lol there are no real losers in this cause we all end up with MBAP at the end whooo hoo