New Grower 4 plant mephisto grow NCH, MS, CDLC, DG x 3BOG

Evening update. The MS and NHC seem to be doubling each day at this point it feels like. The bigger ones are a bit bigger than my index finger which is nuts to me. Even the CDLC showing a good spurt.
Before I started my grow, I'd read that the HLG lights could be pretty intense for new plants, so I started them off at their max dim, which I understood was 50% . This morning I've gone ahead and turned the dim up roughly 33%. The light is still around the 30" mark. I've read that ideally they need to end up being around 20". Trying to still suss out just how that timeline is going to go

That said, Mrs NoFrills was given pick of the litter for the replacement seed and she's chosen the Samsquanch OG. Hopefully we have a better germ process on this one.

Was watering/feeding once a day, around midday. This morning we shifted to morning water/feed. Coco is definitely drying out quicker now that I've re-positioned the oscillating fan. Plan now is to water/feed in the AM and then water and then water in the PM. Maybe not a pure water in the PM? Unsure of what to do there just yet.

Current feed dosage is about 5ml Canna A in too 1 gallon water. Each 5gallon pot is getting about 1 quart of water roughly. Run-off appears to be even amongst the group though no scientific measurement is being taken. Just the good ol eyeball.

Will update pics this evening, but both the NCH and MS are having 4 new growth points so exciting times for this green as grass grower.
Before I started my grow, I'd read that the HLG lights could be pretty intense for new plants, so I started them off at their max dim, which I understood was 50% . This morning I've gone ahead and turned the dim up roughly 33%. The light is still around the 30" mark. I've read that ideally they need to end up being around 20". Trying to still suss out just how that timeline is going to go

That said, Mrs NoFrills was given pick of the litter for the replacement seed and she's chosen the Samsquanch OG. Hopefully we have a better germ process on this one.

Was watering/feeding once a day, around midday. This morning we shifted to morning water/feed. Coco is definitely drying out quicker now that I've re-positioned the oscillating fan. Plan now is to water/feed in the AM and then water and then water in the PM. Maybe not a pure water in the PM? Unsure of what to do there just yet.

Current feed dosage is about 5ml Canna A in too 1 gallon water. Each 5gallon pot is getting about 1 quart of water roughly. Run-off appears to be even amongst the group though no scientific measurement is being taken. Just the good ol eyeball.

Will update pics this evening, but both the NCH and MS are having 4 new growth points so exciting times for this green as grass grower.
At this point you don’t need to feed anything. They don’t have to have any kind of fertilizer for the first 10-14 days. They have everything they need. So I would just use plain pH’d water until you see the 4th real internode(set off leaves)
I see. So the NCH/MS will be at the 10day mark Wed and 14 day Saturday roughly. Just move to pure waterings until then for them?

Currently they have the 2 leaf sets as you've seen, and this morning when I checked them over prior to water they they had 4 new sets growing out from their 2nd set. Would this be the 3rd internode then?

took a quick shot just so i'm not confusing things. babying these things as much as I did my kids when they were first born

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So there's the first set of, are they fan leaves, with the blades? and then the 2nd set with blaades, and then there are 4 that shoot out from where the 2nd set is, and even now in the last 3 hours that's new growth there in between the 4 developing, assuming those 3 coming out are the 3rd set, then the new growth would be the 4th set?

This whole this is like a damn fever honestly. I haven't been this excited about science stuff, since ever, only thing close to this geeked outness was when I first fell in love with native american history.
So there's the first set of, are they fan leaves, with the blades? and then the 2nd set with blaades, and then there are 4 that shoot out from where the 2nd set is, and even now in the last 3 hours that's new growth there in between the 4 developing, assuming those 3 coming out are the 3rd set, then the new growth would be the 4th set?

This whole this is like a damn fever honestly. I haven't been this excited about science stuff, since ever, only thing close to this geeked outness was when I first fell in love with native american history.
Ok I thought they were younger than that. So I would skip the next feeding then go ahead and resume your light feed regimen. If you start to see any yellowing tips skip another Fred or two.
@NoFrillsNoBills couple tips I’ve picked up on over the years. I now soak my seed for up to 12hrs in ro water with microbes and some kelp warm up to 85* This will soften the shell. If u have most your seedling coming up with their helmets still on try planting a little Deeper I barely have to help one off and if I do I give it a misting of my foliar spray twice then usually they can pop it off. Another thing is put the seed in the ground pointy side this will help give better chance of nice straight seedling. If one comes up with its helmet the sooner it comes the better. If left on they will get confused and start looking for the light hence the circling around. Spraying them and making sure to get some in the crack and outside usually helps them do it on their own. The babies u have now look good and healthy.