New Grower 3rd Grow after a 3 year break

i think dolomite lime is slow acting,or needs to break down or something.may also raise ph over time.bottle of calmag should see faster results,well to my logic anyways.
she a nice looking plant,and with quite a ways to go yet :thumbsup:
keep er lit.

Yeah dolomite is slow release from what i have read, but that and molasses was all i had at the time :shrug:
Luckily, that calmag bottle came a few days later, so all is good now!
Day 88

Last auto harvested this morning.
Himalaya Blue Diesel was the runt of the group, but ended up being the biggest yielder in the end.
Clocked in at around 90g wet, which should leave me with 15-25g dry hopefully.
Smell is absolute heaven. Mix of blueberry/citrus/diesel smell. Exactly as i remember it from my last run with this girl.
Nice work, next grow please?!

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Thanks! Yeah still got that Blueberry OG going. Maby make a seperate thread for it in indoor grows? She has like 60+ days of flowering left.
Or throw her in with your next beans thread, that's what I do.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Day 109 (34F)

Hey folks. Sorry about the inactive thread, been quite busy lately and out traveling.
Had to leave my girl in the hands of a friend thats barely even watered a plant before :rofl:
All things considered i think he did a good job. She's looking a little pale, but thats partly my fault for feeding too little early in flower.
Also the gnats cause some yellowing and blotches on leaves... Used DE in the topsoil, but with all the holes around the pot it's just damage control at this point.
Rarely see more than 2-3 flying around at a time, so i dont think the infestation is that bad.

How is she looking? :pop:
Day 40 pics

Looks like the HBD has nitrogen tox? Got the claw, 90 degree bend at end of some leaves and curling down inwards.
You ever watch lex is world on youtube. He said if your leaves are clawing, or curling downward. That another different early stage of magnesium deficiency. Not too much nitrogen if your plant looks like discolored in the viens that's mag deficient too. If the leaves curl upward that's something else. That's what that guy lex said an it fixed my plants a long time ago

Great thread it was an enjoyable grow journey thanks for sharing
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You ran out of twisty ties for that monster plant. Makes glad I decided to get 3 packs of them damn things incase I ran out. They come in handy for split stems too. I got to go check out how that turned out
You ever watch lex is world on youtube. He said if your leaves are clawing, or curling downward. That another different early stage of magnesium deficiency. Not too much nitrogen if your plant looks like discolored in the viens that's mag deficient too. If the leaves curl upward that's something else. That's what that guy lex said an it fixed my plants a long time ago

Great thread it was an enjoyable grow journey thanks for sharing

Thanks for stopping by!
Hm never heard of the claw when it comes to magnesium. The discolored veins i know about. Seems to be a consensus that dark leaves with 90 degree bend is nitrogen tox though. Will check his channel!

You ran out of twisty ties for that monster plant. Makes glad I decided to get 3 packs of them damn things incase I ran out. They come in handy for split stems too. I got to go check out how that turned out

Haha yeah i underestimated the size of this lady. Ended up buying a bunch of them too..