New Grower 3 young girls waiting! First grow at all journal

Your English is exemplary, mate.
Thank you, but I make stupid mistaked. I have a bad tendency to forget 3. Person s.
I wrote my first monography in english 15 years ago, then my Ph.D. dissertation and a handfull of scientific papers.
In the US, when you're high, you say you're fried. ;)

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If I was to guess, I would think of "fried" being a reference to Old Sparky. (Personally, I prefer using a sword.)
Is it OK with you, Mr. @XxxAuto, that we use your thread for jokes and small talk? We seems tomenjou our self, even in your absense.
@XxxAuto For your info: The word "banter" means "drilleri".

@Bailey TripleX may misunderstand English idioms. May I be permitted to post translations for him, from time to time, if I think he may misunderstand.

I have discussed the post privately with TripleX. Your vocabulary is ok, but your grammar stinks.

Never use Google translate. When I got this job, I rewrote the Latin text used by Holy Mother Church to announce the Habemus Papam to Habemus Contracum. To check the text, I dropped in translater. Reverendissimum Dominum, meand Reverend Mister, but was translated to Most awfull Mister Dr. Babnik.

Haha! I love how blunt Danish people are! Tell it like it is Doc! Speak your mind![emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]