Lighting 2Stoned2Cares 200w diy cob grow+DP auto night queen

An amazing difference in height between our plants (it must be the lights), I know I have topped my WC 2 days ago (D15) but your is twice the height easily (and one node bigger) and a day younger. One thing the same is mine is growing like its out of fashion, topping didn't even make her miss a step...The force is strong with @zambezaseeds

I dont think its to do with the light bro.its either a male or a freak
I dont think its to do with the light bro.its either a male or a freak

please let it be a freak... or you know what you've got to do...

I woke up in the middle of the night and just had to go in the tent and lst this girl because its been driving me mad hahahahaha.i need to control the height and this is the easiest way


Thanks for popping by :pass:
Well guys this thread is now finished.i had to throw my girls away a few days ago because of shit to do with my landlord(still to pissed off to talk about it)will be starting again soon
Well guys this thread is now finished.i had to throw my girls away a few days ago because of shit to do with my landlord(still to pissed off to talk about it)will be starting again soon

Dude I'm so sorry to her that, I understand, we live in a rented house and the bastard agency inspects every 4 months. I'm lucky they don't go in the loft.
Thanks guys it wont stop me growing its an addiction now lol.i have about 9oz of smoke so dont need any really but i cant stop and the misses are saving up for another place to rent because this landlord is a complete dick