Lighting 2Stoned2Cares 200w diy cob grow+DP auto night queen

Hey 2stoned, look at your fan leaves. They look your girl is starting to become deficient and take it from her leaves. It could be my eyes or the lighting, I just don't want it to be too late and see her self-mutilate.


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Day 14 for auto white cheese and this girl is ridiculous 30cm/12inch tall already and its not because the light is to far away



Thanks for popping by :pass:
Crazy growth 2Stoned! Just praying it's not a male being such an early developer.
Day 14 for auto white cheese and this girl is ridiculous 30cm/12inch tall already and its not because the light is to far away

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View attachment 695454

Thanks for popping by :pass:

An amazing difference in height between our plants (it must be the lights), I know I have topped my WC 2 days ago (D15) but your is twice the height easily (and one node bigger) and a day younger. One thing the same is mine is growing like its out of fashion, topping didn't even make her miss a step...The force is strong with @zambezaseeds